Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)

PAL is aimed at creating peer-assisted learning groups organized along majoring fields/faculties for freshmen/women. The goal is to provide a study support platform whereby experienced seniors or Student Facilitators (SFs) lend support to facilitate:

  • A smooth integration into NUS’ academic culture and university life;
  • A better understanding of expectations of university modules;
  • Learning and study skills to cope with studies via collective sharing; and
  • Better preparations for CA and final exams;

 Why participate in PAL?

Besides being a good platform to make friends and develop supportive networks, freshmen/women have an advantageous opportunity to develop a healthy, balanced and responsible study-cum-fun culture at hall. Here is what some of our previous PAL mentees have to say about the programme:

 “PAL is a good way to gain insight into what lies ahead for you. There are always some things you don't see heading your way till a mentor sheds some light on the situation.”

 “The PAL facilitators tells us more about their past experiences in taking different modules, and at times certain modules which we should not take together or certain modules which could complement each other. Of course, not forgetting the academics aspect, we also learnt skills such as essay writing and how to manage our time effectively, especially when there are commitments in hall.”

 “I like the PAL program because it introduces close friends to me. As an individual in the university, one might not get the chance to mix around with people who have different views…”

 “PAL has benefited me largely as I had difficulties coping with university education. since it had so much freedom; I didn't know where to start and what to do about it. The programme has helped me to set my goals, plan my schedule, study effectively and efficiently.”

Are you interested yet? The SFs are ready to meet you and journey through the semester with you!

To find out more about PAL, please email Hidayat at or call 6516 7013.