Helix STEER Vietnam 2023


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Experience : Helix Study Trips for Engagement & EnRichment (STEER) Vietnam 2023

Wellness: Lifestyle, Food and Mind

"Embark on a journey to discover and comprehend the rich diversity of socio-cultural-economic landscapes, along with wellness practices focusing on lifestyle, nutrition, and mindfulness. Let go of preconceived notions and embrace learning through immersive experiences." This is how I encapsulate our transformative Helix STEER Vietnam 2023 journey, which spanned across Hanoi, Sapa, and Ha Long Bay.

Guided by our Resident Fellow, Dr. Hoang Truong Giang, the team departed from Changi Airport on the morning of 16 December 2023, to the three most popular destinations for wellness tourism in Vietnam. The participants, residents from all Blocks in Helix House, had never met each other before! As their accompanying staff for 12 days, I was filled with both excitement and anticipation for them.


Helix STEER Vietnam 2023 is an initiative designed to explore the wellness and food & beverage industries of Vietnam, with a focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle. The objective was to learn about Vietnam's diverse culture and history, understand the country's approach to healthy food and nutrition, and foster compassion and happiness through community service.


In collaboration with the Vietnam National University (VNU), our inaugural group of nine participants found the experience to be a resounding success. They engaged in a plethora of enriching activities that allowed them to immerse themselves in Vietnamese culture. This included insightful lectures, meaningful interactions with the local community, particularly the Mountainous Underprivileged Students (MUSF) at Trung Chai Primary School, hands-on cooking workshops, local exploratory visits, rejuvenating yoga sessions, and invigorating hikes.


As part of the fundraising efforts, the Helix STEER 2023 team successfully raised over SGD 1500 (27,443,381 Vietnamese Dong) for underprivileged children in Vietnam's mountainous regions. The funds were used to support student meals, purchase stationery, provide first aid kits, and make cash donations to MUSF.


Here's what our participants have to say:

Learning about the nutritional state in Vietnam and its challenges allowed me to understand better about the differences that Southeast Asian countries face in maintaining good nutrition among its citizens despite living in the same region, especially between Vietnam, Singapore, and my home country Indonesia. Although simple, learning to cook the spring rolls and nutritious soup adds on a healthy skill to my personal list while the Vietnamese diet that consisted of an unexpected (yet pleasant) amount of vegetables made me enjoy a healthier and still delicious menu with less complaints than before.

- Bianca Diva, College of Design and Engineering, Year 2

It was very meaningful, prompting deep reflections on various ways for nurturing well-being – encompassing aspects such as food, charity, physical activities, and tourism. Beyond that, the experience has granted me a first-hand understanding of Vietnam's rich culture, as well as delving into its geopolitical landscape and its ties with Singapore. The activities enlightened me on the positive impact of physical activities on mental well-being. The immersive experience allowed me to be present in the moment, temporarily setting aside other concerns in my mind. All in all, this journey had positively impacted my daily life, as I foster a heightened awareness of well-being practices.

- Kang Yu Jie, College of Design and Engineering, Year 2

The first lesson I learned from this trip was that a healthy life can only be achieved by conscious efforts. This trip makes me want to put in active efforts to lead a healthy life: eating healthy food, practicing daily exercises, and getting enough sleep. Moreover, the second takeaway from this trip was that a happy life comes from healthy relationships. It was meaningful that we could help the children in the mountainous schools in Sapa. I learnt that true happiness comes not only when I feel loved but also when I love someone else, especially those in need.

- Kim Hyunjin, School of Computing, Year 1
I realised that wellness was something more than just “I’m happy today!” For us to truly appreciate life and wellness, we had to be eating, sleeping, managing our stress, exercising well, and having a good support/social circle. I used to think that this was impossible to achieve as doing well in school meant that I would need to forfeit other aspects of life like health, sleep, and diet. I learned that it was possible to strike a good balance, and this was a practice I should continue. Stress would be inevitable, but I am learning to manage that better after being equipped on this trip.
- Lim Xin Yi, Faculty of Law, Year 2

The 5 Pillars of a healthy lifestyle - Enough Sleep, Healthy Diet, Regular Exercise, Connectedness & Purpose of life, and the protective effects of natural colours in our food, were among my key takeaways. This trip has sparked a deeper reflection on my lifestyle choices and what I aspire to achieve. It also shed light on the strategic relationship between Vietnam and Singapore, enhancing my understanding of global dynamics. Overall, it was not only educational but also filled with fun, friendship, and unforgettable memories. The efforts put into making this trip both purposeful and enjoyable have left a lasting impact on me, and I hope future students will have the opportunity to benefit from this programme as I did.

- Ling Jit Thong, Faculty of Dentistry, Year 3
I learned about Vietnamese cuisine and traditions through food tasting and visits to local sites like Cat Cat Village and a school in Sapa. I also gained knowledge about mindfulness and healthy living through lectures at VNU, a visit to Homefood, and yoga sessions. We also explored the history of Vietnam through visits to the ceramic museum as well as the Hoa Lo Prison Relic, the latter of which the students decided to visit on our own out of curiosity and it definitely did not disappoint! I was particularly impressed by Vietnam's natural beauty, especially at Ha Long Bay and Cat Cat Village. I am grateful to the organizers for this enriching experience and hope this program will stay for future generations of Helixians as well.
- Phang Chen Yi, NUS Business School, Year 4

I appreciate the “healthiness” aspect of it; a mountain of greens seems to be a core part of each meal. It is not hard to see why Vietnam is the country with the lowest rates of obesity in the world. Despite an already healthy diet, they are still making strong efforts towards improving nutrition related issues, such as the deficit in certain micronutrients in rural areas and an overall high carbohydrate consumption relative to other macronutrients, as we had learned in our visit to the Vietnam National Institute of Nutrition (VNIN). Engaging the students at the primary school was fun too. They are all so endearing and seem happy, a stark contrast to the kids from Singapore. MUSF is a meaningful cause, and I am glad to have been exposed to it. It was fun to give out chocolates to the kids and I think they are full of potential. And their handwriting is ridiculously good despite being mostly under 10! They also seem to handle the cold very well. Despite finding the cold to be rather uncomfortable at times, I find myself missing the cold a bit now that I am back in Singapore. I remember being hesitant to sign up initially as I didn’t know anyone else going for the STEER but now, I am glad I did embark on this journey. I am also very grateful and thankful that Helix has such an opportunity.

- Tan Wei Han, College of Design and Engineering, Year 2
I found the Bat Trang Pottery Village and Museum to be the most interesting aspect of the trip. I never expected that an entire village could be well-known for pottery that has been passed down many generations, and the intricate craftsmanship and artistry of the ceramic vases and products were nothing short of breathtaking. The most important lesson I’ve taken away from this trip is to appreciate our circumstances and be grateful for what we have. From the lectures at VNU and VNIN, we learnt that a sizable Vietnamese population are still experiencing malnutrition, especially among children and people living in the mountainous regions that lead to issues such as growth stunting in children. We also learn that they face many issues like poor living conditions and lack of proper infrastructure, which requires the intervention of charities and organisations. These are issues that are not prevalent in Singapore, and as a society, we may have been taking for granted our ease of access to a wide variety of nutritious foods and good public infrastructure. This is not the case for the people living in Vietnam’s mountainous regions, who would have to grow their own crops or rely on humanitarian aid. The children living in Vietnam’s mountainous regions often have to travel by foot across long distances and navigate dangerous terrains just to get to school. This trip made me realise just how fortunate I was growing up that I never had to face such circumstances, and that I should be more appreciative of what I have around me.
- Teng Quan Han, Faculty of Science, Year 1
I learnt to connect with my soul and to enjoy the littlest things in life such as good friends, and company. I have grown a lot as an individual and matured in my perspectives and to me, this trip is life-changing and has helped shape me into a better, more positive person. I am fortunate to be able to come on this trip and to forge new memories and experiences in Vietnam. While the views and experiences were very fun and amazing, my best part of the trip is being able to connect with myself.
- Teng Wei Loon, School of Computing, Year 1

In summary, I never regretted being on this journey with them. I personally forged new memories and friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. As I write this, I can feel the 'Vietnam blues' kicking in again, despite having been back for weeks now.



Hazirah Halim
Jan 2024

Photos Credit:
Helix STEER Vietnam 2023