Code of Conduct

Students residing in the following Halls of Residence will be subjected to the respective Rules & Regulations below.
Code of Conduct
As a resident of KEVII,
1. I uphold the positive and vibrant image of our Hall.
2. I build strong and long-lasting relationships with my fellow KEVIIANs and have their best interests at heart.
3. I strive to be of service and support to our Hall.
4. I take pride in the achievements of our Hall.
5. I passionately seek opportunities to improve the KE environment where diversity is valued.
6. I respect, and maintain, a clean and safe environment for our Hall and regard KEVII Hall as my second home.
7. I value the health and wellbeing of fellow community members by checking and complying with the latest COVID-19 safe management measures, as required by the University.

8. I embrace the motto “To strive, to seek, to serve” which forms the KEVII's legacy.

The Code of Conduct reflects KEVII’s expectations of all residents. Behaviours not in alignment with this Code are addressed through the Demerit Point Scheme (as stipulated in the Housing Agreement) and the KEVII Terms of Reference (see Appendix). Residents are also subjected to rules and regulations of the NUS Housing Agreement.

Appendix: KEVII Terms of Reference

KEVIIANs are expected to commit to the KEVII Code of Conduct through a display of the following behaviours which are in line with the Housing Agreement:

  • upkeep Hall facilities
  • respect fellow KEVIIANs by not making unacceptable noise late into the night, create desirable living conditions by not smoking or drinking in the Hall
  • ensure security measures in the Hall by not having late night or overnight guests
  • uphold personal integrity and respect for fellow KEVIIANs
  • demonstrate respect towards fellow community members, including student residents, staff, cleaners and food service personnel

KEVIIANs failing to meet the KEVII community standards may face disciplinary consequences.


Students staying at the Hall are committed to accommodation and dining plan. Fees are payable, at the beginning of each semester, to the Office of Finance or to any authorised fee collection centre. Unless  there are mitigating factors in which case a written appeal must be made to the Housing  Services (HS) Management Office, students with fees in arrears are not permitted stay at the Hall.

Withdrawal and Refund (during the term)

Accommodation fees are calculated based on weekly rates. A week’s residence commences on a Sunday and ends on a Sunday.
a. Fees (accommodation fee, meal plan fee) will be pro-rated for withdrawals within the first two weeks of the semester.
b. After the first two weeks of the semester, there is no refund of fees for withdrawals. For exceptional circumstances, a written appeal must be made to the HS Management Office. 
    i. For students going for Student Exchange Program (SEP), fees (accommodation fee, meal plan fee) will be pro-rated for withdrawals within the semester, with two weeks’ advance notice given to the HS Management Office.  

Dining plan is part of residency at the Hall.  Except for special considerations, the dining fee (for breakfasts and dinners) is non-refundable and rebates for meals not taken are not allowed.

Breakfast is served from 7.00am to 10.00am daily (except Sundays) and dinner is served from 5.30pm to 9.00pm daily (except Saturdays) during term time.   


a. The Master, Resident Fellows and any Hall-authorised personnel have the right to inspect any resident’s room at any time without prior warning.
b. Unless approved by the Hall Master or his/her designate, change of room is not allowed.
c. Residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their rooms as well as the general cleanliness of the block and common facilities.
d. Subletting of rooms in the Hall is a serious violation of the Housing Agreement and will result in disciplinary actions taken against residents found to have sublet their room or to have allowed any other person(s) to stay in their rooms without permission. 

Room Inventory
Residents are responsible for the inventory in their rooms.  At check-in, residents should check the room inventory against the list given. If there is any discrepancy, residents should alert the HS Management Office immediately or latest within 24 hours upon check-in.  If everything is in order, residents should sign and return the inventory list to the HS Management Office within 24 hours upon check-in. Failure to do so would mean that the residents have found nothing amiss in their rooms and no dispute will be entertained should they be asked to pay for any missing/damaged items when they vacate the room. 

Room and Hall Property

To help upkeep the rooms and Hall property, the following are expected of KEVIIANs.
a. Residents will have to make good any loss or damage sustained to furniture, fixture and walls at the time when they leave the Hall. Residents may not affix additional latches or bolts on doors or nails on walls.
b. Residents may not re-paint their rooms.
c. Residents may put up posters on the walls inside their rooms only with the use of blu-tack. All forms of double-sided tapes, nails, hooks or adhesive materials that may damage the paint/surface of the walls or doors cannot be used. The posters and blu-tack must be removed upon check-out.
d. Furniture from the room or any part of the Hall cannot be removed without permission from the OHS Management Office. Any other furniture found in residents’ rooms at the end of their stay will be removed and any labour charges incurred will be borne by these residents.
e. Inflammable materials are not allowed in the rooms. Possession of crackers and fireworks is an offence by law and offenders will be handed over to the appropriate authority for further actions.
f. Residents are strongly encouraged to exercise sustainable practices such as switching off the lights and fan when they do not intend to be in their rooms for an extended period of time. 

Usage of Common Facilities

1. Residents are responsible for the general cleanliness and tidiness of the block facilities and the Hall by not littering and exercising good cleanliness practices.
2. Utensils (belonging to the Hall) are not to be removed from the Dining Hall.
3. All furniture in the Hall areas is to be placed back in its original positions after use.
4. Residents are required to abide by safe management measures in hall facilities, as set forth by the Hall (including, but not limited to, the wearing of masks, safe distancing and zoning).


Dress Code and Conduct

  1. Residents are expected, at all times, to conduct themselves with due propriety, responsibility and good sense, consistent with the dignity of the Hall. The use of profanities or vulgarities, whether written or spoken, is not proper conduct.
  2. The Hall does not tolerate ragging or intimidation of anyone in the KEVII community.
  3. Gambling of all forms and the consumption of alcohol are strictly forbidden anywhere in the Hall’s premises.
  4. The use of habit-forming drugs is a criminal offence.
  5. Smoking is not allowed in all areas (enclosed and open) in the Hall. Residents found smoking in the Hall will be subject to disciplinary action.
  6. Spitting is not a behaviour that is aligned with the Hall spirit and community standards.
  7. Quietness must be observed between 11.00pm and 7.00am.At other hours, noise must be kept at a reasonable level.
  8. Residents shall not be in a state of drunkenness or behave in a disorderly manner while at the Hall.

Room Corridor
  1. For safety reasons, bulky items (e.g. boxes, furniture) are not to be left along the room corridor as they obstruct the passage way and are also fire hazards.
  2. Residents are permitted to place their footwear neatly in a row against the wall next to their room or stack them neatly in a shoe rack. Footwear found strewn about along the corridors (and obstructing the passage way) will be removed without notice.

Electrical Appliances

a. Residents who intend to bring in portable refrigerators and/or portable air-conditioners and/or air-coolers must make a declaration on a form obtained from the HS Management Office.

b. There is a non-refundable utility charge for these appliances. Please refer to the link for the updated utility charges:

c. Residents are not allowed to install and use their own immersion heaters and slow cookers in their rooms.  

d. There will be sanctions imposed against residents with undeclared items. The relevant electrical charges under clause 10b would be imposed for any unauthorised appliances found within the premises. Calculation will be taken from the check-in date.  

e. Electrical equipment should be properly wired. Wiring should not be frayed or loose. All electrical appliances shall be of an approved type, correctly positioned and have well maintained flexible cords. The Hall reserves the right to exclude the use of any appliances that does not meet the above criteria.  

f. The Hall reserves the right to exclude the use of any appliances with high electrical consumption. Items with high electrical consumption such as personal mobility devices (e-bikes, e-scooters) are not permitted to be used or charged unattended in the Accommodation.  



The resident shall park only at the designated carpark lot (i.e. Carpark 10A) determined by the University’s Campus Services.


Residents are not permitted to keep pets in the Hall. They should also refrain from feeding stray animals found around the Hall’s vicinity.

Fire Alarms

The fire alarm system is connected to the Central Fire Station and is not to be tampered with.  Fire-hose reels and extinguishers are not to be used for any purpose except for firefighting.


Any resident who is ill must inform the KEVII Residential Life Office, either personally, by phone or email. He/she should seek medical attention at the earliest possible time.

Residents must adopt healthy practices at all times, including proper personal hygiene. 

Vacating the Hall

During check-out, residents should ensure that all their belongings are removed from the rooms. No personal property may be kept in the Hall except by prior arrangement with the HS Management Office.

  1. Any personal property left behind will be disposed of at the discretion of the HS Management Office and no claims whatsoever from the owners will be entertained.
  2. Before leaving the Hall, each resident has to do a check out at the HS Management Office and submit the necessary documents and key (if applicable). Residents who fail to do this will incur full board and lodging charges until it is completed. 


Vacation Stay

Residents may apply online at within the stipulated application period to stay at the Hall during vacation period. Residents may be allocated different rooms or blocks if their applications are accepted. 



Safety is an important consideration of the Hall and a responsibility of all everyone in the Hall.

  1. Any suspicious person must be reported to the HS Management Office, Master, Resident Fellows or Security Guard. Residents have the right to question any suspicious person found loitering within the Hall premises.
  2. The Master, Resident Fellows, HS Management Office and Security Guard have the right to demand identification from residents or suspicious persons at all times.
  3. Residents must ensure that any articles of value are not left in the open but should be kept in a secure place. Residents should lock their doors each time they leave their rooms even for a short while.
  4. The Hall is not responsible for the loss of personal property.
  5. Any resident caught stealing any items from the Hall or other residents will be subject to disciplinary actions.


Disciplinary Procedures

The Hall has a Board of Inquiry which manages cases involving breaches of community standards as stipulated in the Housing Agreement, the KEVII Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference.

Members of this Board include the Master and Resident Fellows. The Hall disciplinary procedures have provisions, inter alia, for an investigatory process, a hearing and an appeal. 

Hall Committees

Members of the Senior Common Room Committee (SCRC) comprise the Master and the Resident Fellows.

Members of the Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC) are elected annually by the residents of the Hall. The Committee will be concerned with student welfare and the orderly conduct of the communal affairs of residents of the Hall. The JCRC is governed by and operates under the Constitution.  

Application, Interpretation and Amendments of this Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference applies to KEVII Hall residents and guests.

  1. The Terms of Reference constitutes a part of the agreement that residents have access to prior to accepting (online) stay at the Hall.
  2. E-copy of the Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference is available on the Hall website.
  3. The Terms of Reference is usually valid for the entire academic year. However, revisions of the Terms of Reference may be effected by the SCRC or the Master within the academic year. In such an instance, the revised component(s) must be communicated to the residents via multiple channels (e.g., print, notice board, website, email).
  4. Once the changes are effected and communicated, residents are deemed to be properly informed and will be held accountable for infringement as if their attention has been personally drawn to the amendments.