Residential Learning

At King Edward VII Hall (KEVII), sharing and learning form a crucial part of the residents’ experience. While the concept of experiential and holistic learning is not new, the approach in which it is realized amidst today’s globalised landscape, often characterised as complex, disruptive, and uncertain, may be different in various communities and contexts.

At KEVII, there are many opportunities for residents to optimise the living-learning environment to cultivate teamwork and leadership. It is also a place for residents to explore and learn something new in supportive and collaborative environment. Through interaction with residential staff members and peers, as well as participating in out-of-classroom activities, residents develop a deeper appreciation for the connection between the academic and co-curricular spaces.

In capturing learning from the informal spaces in a more structured manner, three key elements underpin the KEVII Hall’s conceptualisation of residential learning. These are as elaborated below.


1) Experiential learning

For KEVII, experiential learning involves capturing learning in a systematic and concrete way through the following:
  • grounding of practice,
  • reflecting and thinking critically about the learning process, and
  • appreciating diversity through team work

2) Hall spirit

Keeping in spirit with KEVII’s motto of “to strive, to seek, to serve”, activities and programmes gear towards fulfilling at least one of the guiding elements.


3) Students as partners

KEVII strongly believes in working in partnership with students, in particular student leaders, in the conceptualisation and implementation of residential learning programmes.

Sustainability and cascade-ability are possible only if there is a deep sense of ownership and engagement by students who are the primary stakeholders. KEVII is keen to explore new perspectives, synergistic approaches, and practices on how this partnership can be effectively developed and cultivated.

All these elements help build an engaging learning environment for a whole learning experience that is highly valued in higher education pedagogy. In particular, such a pedagogy focuses on learning outcomes that have made a concerted effort in incorporating and maximising the potentials of both formal and out-of-class learning opportunities and experiences, for individual as well as leadership development.

We encourage you to check out Hall Life to find out the 56 student-led co-curricular activities that are broadly categorised into culture, sports and committees, with the key elements of knowledge building, hands-on practice, and reflective practice.

It is seamlessly interwoven – fun + learning + sharing.