Resident Fellows

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PGRP Resident Fellow - Lian Oi Lin

Dr Lian Oi Lin

Resident Fellow, PGP Residence R1
Assistant Director & Senior Lecturer, Centre for Language Studies, NUS FASS

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.”

- Sally Koch

Oi Lin is an assistant director and a senior lecturer at the Centre for Language Studies and joined PGPR in July 2020. She takes care of R1 residents and leads the Communications & Outreach committee. During her free time, she likes browsing through German online articles, binge-watching Chinese dramas and singing English songs. While she’s not indulging in sinful pleasures such as creamy cakes and bubble tea, she goes for retail therapy or long walks with her husband. She also likes to wax lyrical with her daughter about life, literature and what have you. Or when she’s really bored, she watches her son slay dragons and zombies in his mobile games!  

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Mr Tan Teong Jin

Resident Fellow, PGP Residence R1
Senior Media Producer, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”

- Jesse Owens

Teong Jin is a Senior Media Producer at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology and rejoined PGPR in May 2024, having stayed there during his university days. He takes care of R1 residents and leads the Communications & Outreach committee. Easy-going and always open to new ideas, his passions lie in videography, photography, and coffee. In his free time, he loves spending time with family and friends, simply chilling and enjoying a good cup of coffee.

PGPR Resident Fellow - Joel Lee

Mr Joel Lee

Resident Fellow, PGP Residence R2 & GSA
Assistant Manager, NUS Agility Office

“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”

- Brian Tracy

Joel started off his career at the National University of Singapore and is currently at NUS Agility Office. Since AY2022/2023, he has been taking care of Residence 2 & GSA at PGPR and also overseeing the Risk Management, Compliance and Safety committee. Outside of work, Joel has been a lifelong fan of football and is always keen in the performing arts. He looks forward to interacting with the residents and creating a close-knitted community at PGPR.

PGPR Resident Fellow - Wang Wenru

Prof Wang Wenru

Resident Fellow, PGP Residence R2 & GSA
Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, NUS Medicine

“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”

- Albert Schweitzer

Wenru is a tenured professor at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies under the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. As a Professor, she teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students and conducts research – her expertise lies in the field of chronic illness management. Her role as a Resident Fellow in PGP Residence mainly include providing pastoral care to our residents. Her students and friends often describe her as humble, approachable, and super easy-going. In her free time, she enjoys socializing with friends, cooking and reading. While she may not have a flair for sports, she appreciates her daily walks with her hubby and occasionally attempts a game of badminton. She is a registered nurse and certified first aider, and find joy in being of service to people. Feel free to reach out to her any time; she is always happy to help.

PGPR Resident Fellow - Jothi S.

Ms Jothi S.

Resident Fellow, PGP Residence R3
Assistant Senior Manager, Department of Marketing, NUS Business School

“Integrity indicates wholeness or oneness.  If we have integrity, we are sincere, truthful, fair, and honest.”

- Dieter F Uchtdorf

Jothi is an assistant senior manager with the Department of Marketing at NUS Business School, having joined in 1997. Since AY2022/2023, she has been the Resident Fellow for Residence 3 and she takes care of matters on RA and CL recruitment selection, training and evaluation. She enjoys watching Netflix and Modern Family is her favourite comedy sitcom among other series and dramas. She also makes it a point to spend quality family time with her husband, son and daughter.

PGPR Resident Fellow - Yuzuru Hamasaki

Mr Yuzuru Hamasaki

Resident Fellow, PGP Residence R3
Senior Lecturer, Centre for Language Studies, NUS FASS

“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.”
- Zig Ziglar

Yuzuru is a senior lecturer at the Center for Language Studies. He joined PGPR in 2022 and is presently a Resident Fellow for Residence 3. He has been leading PGPR's first ever Green Committee.  He used to be an avid scuba diver. He joined occasional live-aboard trips to remote area and enjoyed getting in touch with nature. Since his daughter was born, he scaled down a little and now he enjoys taking care of pots of plants, observing them and catching insects with his daughter. To relax, he plays ukulele, and watches random movies with his family.