Master's Message

Welcome to Temasek Hall!

This website provides an overview of Temasek Hall, including its history, mission and vision, milestones and symbols. It serves as a platform to connect past and present residents of Temasek Hall, known as Temasekians. It is also a portal for the NUS community as well as general public to seek out information about Temasek Hall, or TH for short and is managed by our student residents in TH's Web Committee.

What sets the Hall of Residences apart from other residences in NUS is its vibrancy with a whole range of co-curriculum activities available to their residents to participate. Temasek Hall provides its residents a pleasant, safe and conducive environment to live, to play and to learn. From the photo gallery and video footages on this website, you will find a myriad of sports, cultural and other activities in Temasek Hall to develop talents, cultivate leadership and build character of its residents. Over the years, many lifelong friendships have been forged through these activities.

Most of the activities are initiated, organized and run by the residents. They are led by a group of student leaders, including the sports captains, heads of cultural groups and heads of committees. Overseeing the various groups and activities is the Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC), made up of elected student leaders holding different portfolios. You can find the photos of these student leaders on this website.

There are five residential blocks in TH, and in each block, there is a resident fellow (RF) in charge. These RFs are all full time NUS staff, either academic or non-academic, working in various departments in the University. The five RFs and the Hall Master form the Senior Common Room Committee (SCRC) to provide guidance and advices to the residents on any aspects of hall life. They live in the Hall with their family members to look after and interact with the residents after office hours.

To support the student activities, we have a very dedicated team of hall office staff led by a Hall manager. They take care of the day to day running of the hall operations, including admission, finance, meals, hall facilities and equipment as well as safety and security.

All the above stakeholders strive to make Temasek Hall a home away from home for every resident. As the Hall anthem says: “Some called it a hostel, we called it home!”

Hope you will enjoy navigating our website. We welcome any enquiry, feedback and suggestions from you.

Hall Master
Assoc Professor Tan Victor
(Department of Mathematics)