
Temasek Hall (TH) welcomed its pioneer batch of residents in July 1988. As a completely new residential Hall on campus then, TH had to establish its brand of quality, strength and culture. This came about quickly and naturally through the motivation and resolve of its residents. The Hall crest, motto and Hall anthem were all contributed by residents. TH proceeded to secure its place among the longer established Halls and within its first few years secured awards in the ‘Rag & Flag’ competition and the inter-Hall sports competition.

Emphasising a fun loving and innovative culture, TH is not only well known for its legacy of sporting triumphs, but also for its achievements in staging annual productions and charity

TH envisions itself as a Hall of choice where residents are inspired to develop their talents, explore their potential and strive for success in a conducive learning and living environment. It offers a wholesome and vibrant Hall life which builds character and inculcates values such as respect for individuals, integrity, creativity and excellence.

Residents have a saying that epitomizes the lifestyle of Temasek Hall: “Some call it a Hostel, we call it Home”.

Milestones of Temasek Hall
Year Activity
1988 Temasek Hall commences operations, providing accommodation to a co-ed population of 485 undergraduates from all NUS faculties in 1988 under the mastership of Prof Chou Loke Ming.
1989 Temasek Hall is officially opened by the late President Wee Kim Wee on 29 Sept 1989.
Inter-hall Games Overall Champion for the first time in 1989
1992 Gold Award for Rag and Flag for the first time in 1992
1994 Inter-hall Games Overall Champion for the 5th successive year in 1994
2000 Inter-hall Games Overall Champion for the 10th time in 2000
Temasek Hall produces its first of two full-length feature films, entitled Stamford Hall in 2000
2004 Inter-hall Games Overall Champion for the 15th time in 2004
2005 Associate Professor TAY Eng Hock, Francis took over mastership of Temasek Hall.
Temasek Hall introduces Cheerleading as a Hall Committee - the first Hall of residence to do so in 2005
In commemoration of the NUS Centennial Celebration, Temasek Hall organizes the International Conference on Education from 6-9 December 2005 - the only Hall of Residence in the world, to our knowledge, to organise such a Conference and the only Hall of Residence to have taken part in the NUS Centennial Celebrations.
2008 Enrichment modules are offered at Temasek Hall in support of the Provost’s initiative to create a learning environment in the University New Town. The first module that was launched was the Creative Writing Module. In line with this program, Temasek Hall launched the inaugural Temasek Writing Competition for Junior Colleges and Polytechnics in 2008
Temasek Hall celebrates her 20th Anniversary with three events – the annual Dinner and Dance in September 2008, graced by MP of Pasir Ris GRC and TH Alumnus, Ms Penny Low, the annual Hall Production in February 2009, graced by MP of Tanjong Pagar GRC, Mr Baey Yam Keng, and the TH 20th Anniversary Luncheon on 7 March 2009 (including extraction of Time Capsule), graced by the President of the NUS Business Alumni, Mr Peter Tay.
2009 A band of four Temasek Hall residents, called Imprompt-3, emerge champions in three national band competitions organized by NUS and NTU, Impresario 2009, Talent quest 2009 and Stardust 2009.
2010 Awarded 1st Prize for the first InterHall Environmental Awards (IEA) for the first time during NUS Excellence Day 2009/2010
Awarded 1st Prize for Outstanding VOICE Participation Award (Departments with 25 or fewer staff) during NUS Excellence Day 2009/2010
2011 Awarded Gold Award for Fire Safety Excellence Award for the first time during Fire Safety Fusion 2011
2012 Chingay Parade (participation for the first time) performance 2012 at the Marina Promenade
Threshold garnered 3692 votes and emerge tops in the voting portion of GET OUT 2012 People’s Band Competition organised by Central Singapore CDC
Threshold performed at GET OUT 2012, Marina Promontory
2013 Threshold emerge tops in the “Audience Choice” segment of Sparkz 2013
Awarded Platinum Award (after 2 successive annual Gold Awards) for the fire safety inspections in 2012
2014 Temasek Hall celebrated her 25th Anniversary with various events including the commitee fair, exciting performances by Imprompt-3 and the display of Temasek Hall's time capsule. The anniversary celebrations were concluded with a Dinner and Dance.
Threshold (GET OUT 2012) was awarded NUS Student Achievement Awards (SAA) - Silver under the category Competitions, during SAA Ceremony 2014
2015 Associate Professor Victor Tan took over mastership of Temasek Hall.
Shaun Tan Ming Shyan awarded NUS Student Achievement Awards (SAA) - Silver under the category Leadership during the 10th SAA Ceremony 2015
Chingay Parade performance 2015
2016 Awarded Platinum Award (5th succesive year awarded) for the fire safety inspections carried out in 2015
2017 Temasek Hall celebrated her 30th Anniversary themed "Homecoming". Activities organized included Past vs Present Games were organised, a fun fair themed carnival was also held in within Temasek Hall, and to wrap things up, a finale dinner was held with various exciting performances put up by residents.
2018 Temasek Hall hosted a Gala Dinner in conjunction with their 30th Anniversary. The Gala Dinner held in Mar 2018 was graced by Mr Desmond Lee Minister for Social and Family and Development and 2nd Minister for National Development as the Guest of Honour.
2022Temasek Hall won the Top Achievement Award in the Commencement Class Giving 2022 (CCG22) campaign from the Development Office.