DYOC in Temasek Hall

DYOC courses in Temasek Hall includes:


An introduction to web application development, where students get to pick up the basics of software development, project management and UI/UX design. Students get to learn and work together as a team to build a web application for Temasek Hall. 

Introduction to digital marketing

The Temasek Hall Marketing DYOC will equip students with intermediate level skills that will be useful and applicable to the Marketing industry. The module is structured in a manner that ties both content creation aspect through Marketing by blending technical data and trend analytics - both much sought after skills today. By pursuing online courses, forum posts and engaging guest speakers, students get to learn at a comfortable pace. It is designed so that students can enjoy what they learn to better retain and apply their skills towards capstone assignments which require them to create a campaign and perform brand and campaign analysis. Ultimately, the course aims to nurture aspiring marketers so that they will be more competent and confident in applying for Marketing-related roles in the future.


The Temasek Hall OAC DYOC Course offers students an invaluable opportunity to develop competencies in planning outdoor events including a kayaking expedition as well as gaining important life skills such as conducting first aid. This module is designed to allow students to step out of the conventional classroom to learn experientially. Participants will attain a Standard First Aid certificate and a one-star kayaking certificate, learn how to write a clear and well organised proposal for an event, and also gain insights on the natural heritage of Singapore before experiencing it through a kayaking expedition. This module ultimately aims to enable students to have a growth mindset in residential living; while contributing to event planning, they also gain leadership skills and other skills with lifelong benefits.


This module is designed as a foundation to a service learning project in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Weekly activities will provide students with an overview of 1. Thailand’s history & culture, 2. Thailand’s physical geography and the environment & 3. Volunteerism and Service-learning. These subject areas are aligned to the students’ community project: improve the villagers’ quality of life by reforesting the area, building a dam and other activities. 

Aligned with NUS’s vision to sharpen writing and communication skills among students, this module also provides an added dimension of learning how to write and pitch persuasively in order to communicate effectively and appropriately with potential funding agencies. To better equip students for their community service project in Chiang Mai, there will also be a six-week language workshop in basic Thai.