DYOC Design Your Own Course

This is a student’s self-initiated and self-designed 1000 level course. Hall residents are welcome to form groups to embark on Hall-based DYOC course that includes hall projects as a component.

Course Description

The idea of Design-Your-Own-Course (DYOC) was mooted in NUS to encourage our students to explore learning beyond their own disciplines, via edX Massive Open Online Courses (better known as MOOCs), or by engaging NUS teachers, NUS administrative staff or industry leaders.

Additionally, students may also explore doing DYOC in groups of 10 (or more), with supervision by NUS academics, skilled administrative staff, or industry experts.  The objective is to empower students in their learning journey, giving them more flexibility in planning their studies without disruption to their structured disciplinary studies.  It is an option for students to pursue interests outside their disciplines, broadening their knowledge, and encouraging them to see “learning” as a lifetime endeavor.

Learning Outcomes

To be proposed by hall residents and approved by resident fellow in charge (for Hall-based DYOC).


To be proposed by hall residents and approved by resident fellow in charge (for Hall-based DYOC).





Modular Credits

4 Units worth of Unrestricted Elective Courses (UEC) space and will be graded on a ‘CS/CU’ (Completed Satisfactorily/Completed Unsatisfactorily) basis. 


To be proposed by hall residents and approved by resident fellow in charge (for Hall-based DYOC).

Offer Period

Both semesters

More information

Do refer to DYOC for more details - https://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/academic-information-policies/undergraduate-students/design-your-own-course

For general enquiries relating to DYOC you may email to Design Your Own Course pvobox31@nus.edu.sg

To propose a Hall-based DYOC, you may email to our resident fellow Ms Doreen Tan doreen.tan@nus.edu.sg