Temasek Hall FAQ

Hall Application

1. How do I apply to stay in Temasek Hall, and when is the deadline? 

  • You can apply via the UHMS Hostel Application portal.

  • For full details on dates for notification of results, acceptance and the 2nd application window is available here

2. Is there a way for me to know more about Temasek Hall before applying?

  • We are available on all your favourite social media platforms:

  • We encourage you to sign up for our Temasek Hall Engagement Camp (THEC), to be held in early June, to experience our hall first-hand. Camp details will be provided closer to the date on any of our social media platforms mentioned above.

Academic Related

3. Which faculties are located closest to Temasek Hall?

  • We are situated in a central location within NUS. Physically, we are closest to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Computing and the NUS Business School. By foot, they are between two and five minutes away. If you’re planning to enrol in other faculties, don’t worry, they are all easily accessible using the NUS shuttle bus system!

4. How are Halls different from Residential Colleges (RCs) in terms of academic requirements?
  • Residential Colleges offer structured academic programmes based on certain focused themes. In addition to their Faculty/School majors requirements, RC residents are required to adhere to RC academic requirements. Click here for more information.

  • Halls of residence do not have structured academic programmes. Other than the two GEM modules described in 4a, hall residents have the flexibility to choose from a wide range of modules offered by different faculties, schools or halls to fulfil their graduation requirements.

Facilities & Amenities

5. How much does it cost to stay in Temasek Hall?

  • Click here to access room rates for the various campus housing options available in NUS.

  • There are also bursaries available if you meet the financial criteria (see item 14 below for more details).

6. Are there double rooms available? Can I choose my roommate?
  • Temasek Hall is one of the four halls which offer double rooms. You can indicate your preferred roommate (with mutual consent, of course). If you don’t have anyone specific in mind to room with but would still like to experience living in a double room, the hall will randomly allocate a roommate to you.

  • There are 70 double rooms (140 vacancies in total) in Temasek Hall. If there is high demand, the hall reserves the right to make allocations based on available vacancies.

7. Are there meal plans provided at Temasek Hall? How much does it cost?
  • Meal plan is compulsory for residents across all the Halls of NUS.

  • There are different meal plans, which include the standard non-vegetarian, as well as Halal or vegetarian meal plans.

  • Meals are served in the communal hall, where breakfast is served on Monday to Saturday mornings from 7am to 10am. Dinner is served from Sunday to Friday evenings from 5.30pm to 8.30pm every week.

  • The latest meal plan rates can be found here:

8. Are there any other options for food near Temasek Hall?
  • Other than the meals provided at our communal hall, our residents enjoy a wide array of food to choose from. Our unique location not only gives us easy access to the nearby faculty canteens, but also to the popular supper stretch along Clementi Road. Some outlets are even open 24 hours to satisfy your sudden cravings for prata, Thai cuisine or a plate of maggie goreng at any time of the day!

  • Temasek Hall is also just a few bus stops away from other popular dining locations like the West Coast Market. TH residents sometimes take leisurely strolls there for light exercise before having a meal too. On top of that, our residents never have trouble finding great company to enjoy their meals with!

9. Does Temasek Hall offer air-conditioned rooms? If not, are residents allowed to bring in their own portable air-conditioners?
  • Unfortunately, Temasek Hall does not offer air-conditioned rooms. We are, however, surrounded by a lot of greenery and low-rise buildings. Even though portable air-conditioning units are not allowed, It is actually quite cool on most nights. Our residents are also more than welcome to bring in their own fans to tide through the warmer nights.

  • On the plus side, our common facilities like the block lounges, multi-function room and seminar room are air-conditioned and provide a conducive environment for study and other student activities.

10. Am I allowed to bring my own fridge?
  • Personal fridges are allowed at a fee. At the same time, every block pantry has a fridge for communal use. However, some residents prefer their own mini fridge with an additional utility charge. The latest fees, together with other housing info, can be found here:


11. Is drinking / smoking allowed in Temasek Hall?
  • Drinking is prohibited at all NUS residences, while smoking is prohibited throughout the entire NUS campus.

  • The University has a strict demerit point system in place to deter residents from infringing University rules and regulations (including the above).

12. Is Temasek Hall a safe place?
  • The safety of the hall residents is our utmost priority and Temasek Hall has implemented multiple safety measures.

  • There is perimeter fencing around the hall premises and CCTVs are installed in all common spaces. Our gates are locked after visiting hours and there are also security officers patrolling the hall every night.

  • All restroom entrances are equipped with locks and shower cubicles have been enhanced to protect privacy.

  • In each residential block, there is a resident fellow and a block committee that takes care of the safety and emotional well-being of residents too.

13. Are there financial aid schemes provided by Temasek Hall?
  • All local hall residents who satisfy the per capita income (PCI) requirements can apply for the Residential Programme Bursary (RPB) to help subsidise part of their hostel fees.

  • On top of that, Temasek residents can also apply for a Temasek Hall Endowment Bursary. The quantum of the bursary is based on PCI, contribution to the hall, as well as academic performance.

  • In addition, residents may be hired to work for the TH Hall Office under the NUS Student Work Scheme (NSWS).

Hall Life (#whyTH)

14. What sets Temasek Hall apart from the other Halls of NUS?
  • While every hall eventually becomes your home away from home, Temasek Hall takes pride in being the hall of opportunities. By creating a safe space within our hall, our residents are encouraged to innovate, experiment and reach beyond their comfort zone without the fear of making mistakes.

    It is very common to see Temasekians pursue new sports, performing arts and even leadership roles for the first time. Some even take the initiative to establish new CCAs and interest groups!

    Our leaders are known to push the boundaries of the committees they lead by expanding our audiences beyond NUS and Temasek Hall. Engaging external partners for sponsorships, liaising with external parties to conduct ESG-based events (such as our biannual ECO-Fair), Christmas carolling, product development and video production are examples of opportunities that TH residents are given, and they become valuable real-world experiences for our residents.

    We strive towards becoming a family that pushes every member to explore their potential, all while having fun and creating life-long memories along the way!

15. Is life in Temasek Hall intense and will Hall activities take up a lot of my time?
  • Hall life is as intensive as you want it to be! We like to encourage our residents to try out new CCAs, but we also strive to prioritise their well-being too. Naturally, the intensity will be dependent on the number of commitments, and should our residents feel overwhelmed, they can always choose to drop some of them.

  • Since studies are any NUS students’ top priority, hall events and activities are usually paced and scheduled to match the demands of the academic calendar too.

16. What are the hall activities I can join?
  • Temasek Hall offers 30 sport CCAs (inclusive of single and mixed gender), a vibrant portfolio of cultural/performing arts CCAs, as well as a variety of committees and interest groups.

  • Besides CCAs, Temasekians can also join a variety of hall events scattered across the academic year. From the monthly block events to our annual Dinner & Dance. Overnight cycling or watching a spectacular performance staged by our Theatrette Production, your time spent in Temasek will surely be memorable!

  • Review our comprehensive list of activities and interest groups by visiting the “Hall Life” tab in our shortcut menu above!

17. How do I continue to stay in Temasek Hall beyond my first year?
  • There is no fixed minimum number of CCAs you have to join to remain in the Hall for the subsequent year(s). We encourage residents to join CCAs that will contribute towards their holistic learning and growth. We believe that with passion and the willingness to grow, being able to stay on will come naturally.

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