Outgoing Students

Experience Southeast Award (ESA)

As part of NUS’ continuous efforts to encourage undergraduates to have an international experience in Southeast Asia, funding is available for full-time undergraduate students who are in eligible programmes in Southeast Asia.


The ESA funding is valued at up to S$1000* per student. The award is meant to help students offset part of the cost incurred for the overseas programme and may not be sufficient to cover the entire cost. Student must consider the location and cost before choosing any overseas programme.

*In the event that expenses are less than S$1000, NUS Global reserves the right to alter the funding quantum accordingly.

Eligible Programmes 

  • NUS Global offered Summer or Winter programmes
  • Self-Sourced Summer or Winter programmes*
  • Conference, Competition, Workshop*
  • Field or Study Trip*

*Must be endorsed by NUS Global and/or NUS Staff Advisor and registered via EduRec system.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Full-time NUS undergraduates*
  • Have not received ESA before
  • Not a recipient of scholarship or award that does not allow concurrent holding of awards (for concurrent holding of awards, the total amount received should not exceed the total expenses expected to be incurred by the student)
  • Acceptance (or at least in-principle acceptance) into an overseas programme held in SEA prior to applying for this funding; programme should have a minimum duration of 7 days**
  • Successful application and completion of overseas programme in EduRec
  • Overseas programmes not eligible include
    • Study Trips for Engagement and EnRichment (STEER)
    • Southeast Asia Friendship Initiative (SFI)
    • Temasek Foundation – NUS Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TF - NUS LEaRN)
    • Overseas Community Service Projects,
    • Trips that are not part of a programme (e.g. individual field research)
    • Student Exchange Programme (SEP)
*Yale-NUS College (NYC) students are not eligible for ESA award and are advised to approach YNC for support.
**The fly-in/fly-out day will only be counted if there is at least 6 hours of itinerary for the programme on those days.  

Terms & Conditions 

  • Awardees who are unable to go on the overseas programme, must write to NUS at global@nus.edu.sg and provide reasons of their withdrawal from the programmes. NUS Global reserves the right to withdraw the award in such cases and may impose an administrative fee.
  • The award does not carry a bond. However, all awardees are expected to be NUS ambassadors.

Application Process

[NUS Global offered Summer or Winter programmes, i,e, those already offered on EduRec]:

Apply for award after successful application of programme via EduRec (under Global Education - Financial Aid)

[For all other eligible programmes]:

Student(s) must submit an endorsement (Refer to Endorsement Process) before successfully applying for the programme via EduRec. Only student(s) who receive endorsement and successfully apply are eligible to apply for the award.

Endorsement Process

To ensure that programmes offered outside of NUS Global meet certain requirements (min. 7 days, relevant content and region) and parity across programmes, they will need to be endorsed by NUS Global and/or NUS Staff advisors/Faculty Mentors/ Course Coordinators for student clubs before application on EduRec to be considered for an award.

For Self- Sourced Summer or Winter programmes, Conference, Competition, Workshop and Field or Study Trip, submit your endorsement here.


Applicants will be notified of their application via their NUS email addresses by:

Summer Programmes: first week of August
Winter Programmes: first week of January 


1 time disbursement will be made to the bank account listed on EduRec 2 to 3 months after successful completion of the programme.

Other Financial Aid options

Eligible students, whose monthly per capita household income (PCI) is not more than S$690 in any of the semesters during their candidature, are encouraged to explore the Opportunity Enhancement Grant (OEG) through the resources provided by the Office of Financial Aid (OFA). For further details, please visit: https://nus.edu.sg/oam/financial-aid/schemes-for-hostel-fees/opportunity-enhancement-grant.

Eligible students can utilize their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) to fully or partially fund their trip. The application process can be found here: https://nus.edu.sg/oam/financial-aid/schemes-for-tuition-fees-and-or-living-costs/post-secondary-education-account.


For further queries, please email global@nus.edu.sg