Schemes for Tuition Fees and/or Living Costs

Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)

The PSEA Scheme is administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and open to all eligible Singapore Citizens.

Before submitting an application, students should check if there are sufficient funds in their PSEA via MOE’s contact details at MOE will send a statement to the account holder one month after the deduction of the PSEA funds.

For more information on the PSEA Scheme, visit our FAQ Section or refer to MOE’s website.

Undergraduate students who are Singapore Citizens

Full-time undergraduates may apply online using Standing Order or Ad-Hoc Withdrawal form. For part-time undergraduates reading the Bachelor of Technology and Bachelor of Science (Nursing Practice) and undergraduates reading the Bachelor of Information Technology, they can only apply via the Ad-Hoc Withdrawal form for the payment of tuition fee and miscellaneous student fees only.

Undergraduates reading graduate programmes under the Concurrent Degree Programmes may apply for the scheme here.

  1. Standing Order – tuition and miscellaneous student fees (whole programme)

  2. Ad-hoc Withdrawal – tuition, miscellaneous student and other fees (per semester)*

*Students applying for Ad-Hoc Withdrawal for SEP, NOC, or Overseas/Enrichment/Preparatory Programme fees must submit their application within 2 months of the programme’s end date.

Claim Item Type Type of Form Usage Sub-Category
Faculty/Department to be selected in Form

 Tuition fee and/or Miscellaneous fees– for full qualification courses that lead to a undergraduate / graduate degree

 Standing Order/Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  TTF-FULLQ  NUS - OAM (Undergraduate Programmes)
 NUS-NUSGS (Graduate Programmes)
 Internal Blended Learning Online Course (iBLOC) / Special Term Course fees  Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  TTF-FULLQ  NUS - OAM (Undergraduate Programmes)
 NUS-NUSGS (Graduate Programmes)

 Other MOE-subsidised modular course fees

 Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  TTF-Others  Please select the appropriate faculty / department from the dropdown list in the PSEA form. Applicants are encouraged to consult their course administrator before submission.
 SkillsFuture Singapore Course fees  Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  SSG-PDEV  NUS-SCALE
 Student Exchange Programme (SEP)/NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)/Overseas/Enrichment/Preparatory Programme fees  Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  EPC-OTRIP  NUS - OAM (Undergraduate Programmes)
 Compulsory college-related (room and/or meal) fees for students reading the NUS College Programme/Ridge View Residential College Programme/University Town College Programme/Light House*/Pioneer House Programme* (*only accommodation fees)   Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  TTF-Others  NUS - OAM (Undergraduate Programmes)
 Compulsory health screening and/or vaccination fees for Health Science students  Ad-Hoc Withdrawal Form  EPC-Others  NUS - OAM (Undergraduate Programmes)

PSEA is applicable for payment of the following:

  1. Tuition fee

  2. Miscellaneous fees

  3. Internal Blended Learning Online Course (iBLOC) / Special Term Course fees

  4. Student Exchange Programme (SEP)/NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)/Overseas/Enrichment/Preparatory Programme fees

  5. Compulsory college-related (room and/or meal) fees for students reading the NUS College Programme/Ridge View Residential College Programme/University Town College Programme/Light House*/Pioneer House Programme* (*only accommodation fees) ##

  6. Compulsory health screening and/or vaccination fees for Health Science students

  7. Repayment of specified loans after graduation

Applicable to full-time undergraduates for the payment of their tuition and miscellaneous student fees for the whole programme duration until PSEA funds are used up (excluding Special Terms), i.e. one-time application. Students should apply via the Ad-hoc Withdrawal form if they missed the Standing Order application timeline or would like to use the PSEA for a particular semester only.

If the Standing Order form is wrongly submitted, you should terminate the Standing Order via MOE’s website at

If there are insufficient funds to cover the tuition and miscellaneous student fees, the full balance in the PSEA account will be deducted.

Please submit the PSEA Standing Order here.


Application Period


Semester 1


By mid-September 2025

Semester 2

29 December 2024 to 17 January 2025

By early-February 2025


Forms submitted outside the application period will only take effect in the following semester.

Applicable to full-time undergraduates for the payment of the following fees for a particular semester only. Part-time undergraduates may apply for payment of their tuition and/or miscellaneous student fees only.


Please apply at and select the relevant Usage Category as shown below:

  • Tuition fees and/or Miscellaneous Student fees (TTF-FULLQ)

  • Internal Blended Learning Online Course (iBLOC)/Special Term Course fees (TTF-FULLQ)

  • Student Exchange Programme (SEP)/NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)/Overseas/Enrichment/Preparatory Programmes (EPC-OTRIP)*

  • Residential College fees (TTF-OTHERS)

  • Compulsory Health Screening/Vaccination fees (EPC-OTHERS)

  • Repayment of Specified Loans after Graduation (Refer to MOE webpage)

*Students applying for Ad-Hoc Withdrawal for SEP, NOC, or Overseas/Enrichment/Preparatory Programme fees must submit their application 2 months of the programme’s end date.


For more information on iBLOC/Special Term Course fees TTF-FULLQ, EPC-OTRIP, TTF-OTHERS, and EPC-OTHERS, please click here.

Type of Form  Disbursement Timeline (funds credited will be reflected in Student Account in Education Records System)
Standing Order   by mid-September (Semester 1)
 by early-February (Semester 2)
Ad-Hoc Withdrawal   Up to 6 weeks after application date


Students are encouraged to apply for GIRO to facilitate the payment of any outstanding tuition and college fees if there are insufficient PSEA funds. Outstanding balance will be deducted automatically on scheduled GIRO deduction dates by the Office of Finance. For students opting to pay their fees via the GIRO mode, the various fee payment deadlines will be pushed back by about one month (end-September for Semester 1 and end-February for Semester 2).


For students using a combination of financial aid schemes for the payment of their subsidised tuition fees, the disbursement sequence is as follows (where applicable):


  • Scholarship that covers 100% of tuition fee / MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy

  • SkillsFuture Credit

  • Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme*

  • CPF Education Loan Scheme (CELS)*

  • MOE Study Loan (previously known as NUS Study Loan)*

  • MOE Tuition Fee Loan (previously known as Tuition Fee Loan)*

  • Bursaries#

  • GIRO deduction from students' own account/other account/NETS/Others


* If your tuition fee is already covered by a scholarship/NUS Bursary/TTFS, schemes such as the PSEA, CELS, MOE TFL and MOE Study Loan (Tuition Fee portion) will not be applicable and will not be disbursed if you are an existing recipient.

# For Medicine/Dentistry students, the Higher Education Community Bursary/Higher Education Bursary will be used to offset your tuition fee first (before schemes c to f above).

Undergraduate students who are Singapore Citizens


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