KEVII Hallplay - Homesick

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Identity crises, tough choices, belonging, destiny, family, tradition, unfaithfulness... A cacophony of confessions, revelations, and confrontations brought about by the outbreak of SARS, exploding vividly in the hearth of the Goh family, on the stage of University Culture Centre. King Edward VII’s Hallplay brings to life the acid verve of Homesick, a satirical comedy by prominent local playwright Alfian Sa’at, with a meticulously built set, mellifluous sound editing, and a multitude of talent in the cast. The emotional ups and downs, the political and the familial, the light-hearted humour and the sombre discourse, the quotidian and the utterly unexpected, the Hallplay team never seems to disappoint, putting up an absolute banger of a show yet again. Beneficiaries from Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) and 4PM Malay Youth Literary Association were invited as part of the Hall's community engagement efforts.

Catch the next KEVII Hallplay in January 2020!


Shao Yu Jin
62nd JCRC Marketing Director