Website Banner - Self Care-01
It's Okay to Seek Help-ver 1

The 2020 Mental Wellbeing Survey results showed too, that 55% of respondents did not know about the Employee Assistance Programme – now called NUSHeart – a 24/7, confidential counselling support provided by external mental health consultants to NUS staff for free.

We would like to assure you that it’s okay to seek help, and that speaking to a mental health professional is not a sign of weakness. In fact, seeking help is a form of courage.

What are some ways in which a psychologist can support me?

  • Alleviate you emotional and psychological symptoms.
  • Learn how to improve relationships – including with your partner and children.

All consultations with NUSHeart are fully confidential. The University only receives statistical management reports on general usage – no information will be provided about staff member’s identity.

It's Okay to make time for yourself-01 (1)

The 2020 NUS Mental Wellbeing Survey conducted on staff showed that a significant number of respondents were interested to participate in wellness activities.
Our campus offers many activities that can help you to unwind. Refer to the Events page and our partner units to register for them.

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