NUS #AreuOK 1920 x 870 Website Banner Understanding Mental Health (1)
[Amended 11.05.2021] 1920 x 870 It's Okay to Talk about Mental Health

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as a state of wellbeing in which the individual can realise their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and make contributions to their communities.  

Common mental health myths

Talking about depression/anxiety just makes it worse. 

It is a grave mistake to not talk about mental health as it feeds the stigma and makes people feel isolated

People with mental health disorders/conditions are dangerous 

False. People with mental health conditions are more likely to be victims (than perpetrators) of abuse, and vulnerable. 

People with mental health conditions should be avoided 

Having a mental health condition is no different from having a physical health condition. 

People who are struggling with mental health conditions deserve the same love and care as anyone else.

People with mental health conditions can just snap out of it

Mental health problems are just like physical health problems. They can be very serious, and are not due to a lack of willpower. 

People with a mental health condition are unproductive in their work

Although people who are struggling with their mental health can find it harder to perform at work, they can definitely lead very productive lives with the right support and coping strategies.   

NUS #AreuOK 1920 x 870 It's Okay to Not be Okay

Sounds familiar? You might have been told some of these phrases when you weren’t feeling okay.
As well intentioned as those who lean on such phrases may be, it’s actually more helpful when you acknowledge negative emotions instead of ignoring them.
It helps to speak to a trained professional about your concerns. Click here to find out more.

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