Giving News

This section covers campus life and events, University challenges and policies, innovations in science, teaching, learning advancements and national and international news.

Empowering NUSC Students: The Yale-NUS Alumni - Sojourners Agora Study Award

Benefactor Campus Experience 2024

Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein opens at the National University of Singapore

How Philanthropy Fuels Green Hydrogen Technology Innovation

Exergaming: How Tech & Video Games Support Healthy Ageing

The Direct Impact of Philanthropic Giving on NUS Students

A Celebration of Love and Giving: NUS Alumni Couples Make a Difference

Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: How AI is Advancing Personal Health

Meet the Biotech Startup That’s Transforming Prawn Farming

The Lasting Impact: Unveiling the Power of Legacy Giving at NUS

How the 'See the Possibility' Capital Campaign is Shaping the Future

Smart Giving: Maximising the Impact of Your Philanthropy

NUS Sustainability Projects Making a Real Difference

How to Give Back to Society through NUS Giving

The Future of Philanthropy: 3 Trends to Look Out For

The Role of Philanthropy in Music & Art Therapy for the Elderly

How NUS Advances Education and Research through Philanthropy to Transform the Future

Creating Opportunities: Making a Difference in Higher Education Fundraising

Margaret Cynthia Walker: An Exemplar of Kindness and Love

Why You Should Make NUS Your CPF Beneficiary as a Legacy Gift


Keep up with what’s going on around campus. Every day brings new possibilities to discover, experience and learn what makes us unique. Here are some of the upcoming events to promote leadership in philanthropy and raise awareness of this impact happening across NUS and the community.

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