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Application process & Eligibility

How to apply

Pioneer House (PH) offers Single Type C (air-con) and Single Type C (non air-con) rooms in Blocks 20 to 25.

Incoming Freshmen interested to join PH may apply via the University Hostel Management System (UHMS) portal (click here).

For more information on application process, please click here.
For more information on hostel room rates, please click here.


  • Only Full-time students registered with the National University of Singapore are eligible.
  • Students who are no longer of full-time status (e.g. on Leave of Absence, withdrew or graduated) and on overseas Student Exchange Programme (SEP) are not eligible to stay in NUS student accommodation and will be given 7 days’ notice to vacate their rooms except under exceptional circumstances.
  • Only new Full-time NUS students matriculating in the coming academic year are eligible to apply for an NUS student accommodation.
  • Students with outstanding arrears in their accommodation accounts will not be eligible for an NUS accommodation.
  • Students who are barred due to disciplinary or breach of housing agreement will not be eligible for an NUS accommodation for the duration of the barring period.
  • Except under special considerations, Undergraduate students whose official status are designated as Graduate students (e.g. students on concurrent degree programmes) are not eligible for Undergraduate student’s accommodation and would have to apply for Graduate student accommodation. (UG only)
  • International students (non-Singaporean/Singapore PR) are required to have the appropriate and valid passes as issued by the Immigration & Custom Authority (ICA) or Ministry of Manpower (MOM) during the course of their stay in an NUS hostel.
  • Students are required to be insured under the NUS student insurance scheme or its equivalent throughout their stay in an NUS hostel.
Quick tour of Pioneer House rooms and facilities
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