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The Scholar-in-Residence Programme (SiRP) is an academic collaboration devoted to residential development for the benefit of student growth and learning.

With residence life an integral part of the university experience, we are continuously innovating our programmes and practices so your term at Pioneer House will be a dynamic and enriching one.

Since 2018, SiRP has hosted esteemed scholars from institutions worldwide at Pioneer House to engage with the House Management team, student leaders, and residents. Their expertise in Residential Life matters provides a cross-cultural and international perspective on how the House environment can be enhanced and helps identify key areas for growth and improvement.

An equally stimulating and valuable experience for Visiting Scholars, our guests use this platform for professional development, network expansion, and to deepen their pedagogical knowledge through the intellectual exchange of ideas. 

Eleanor Finger

Featured Scholar in 2019: Eleanor F. Finger

Dr. Eleanor Finger serves as the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Campus Life, and Assistant Professor at Elon University, where she is responsible for several offices and university initiatives for diversity and inclusion, service learning and civic engagement, and the integration of residential and academic student experiences.

Her previous leadership roles and administrative experiences at Virginia Tech, Washington State University, Simmons College, and John Carroll University were in residence Life and housing, curriculum development, living-learning communities, leadership development in fraternity and sorority life, emergency preparedness, diversity education/intercultural competency, and master planning, design and construction.

Education disposition:
"As an educator, I value curiosity and its direct link to life-long learning; the pursuit of self-understanding and integrity through honest, authentic interactions and mindful reflection; the practice of civility always; speaking up as a courageous leader when others are silenced or disenfranchised; and serving with an optimistic outlook as an agent for social change. I invest in and celebrate transformative, “aha” moments that occur in big and small ways and am committed to intentional student learning and engagement through dynamic collaboration with faculty, staff, and community stakeholders."