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Interest Groups

Hobbies help us grow as a person, and spending the time and effort to cultivate them is invaluable in many ways. Have a passion for soccer? Like to dance? Enjoy playing board games? Develop them by joining the many Interest Groups (IGs) available in our House!

Open to everyone from first-timers hoping to try something new to seasoned individuals looking to hone their skills, IGs are a great way to meet people who enjoy the same likes as you do. Amritha, who has a passion for playing badminton, will tell you just how fulfilling it is to be able to connect with people over similar interests. Check out her story here!

If you have a particular interest that is currently not being offered here, feel free to discuss with your Resident Fellow or one of the Student Council members.

Please select the Interest Group you wish to join by clicking on its name below.

 Badminton  Band  Gardening  Art & Craft
 Basketball  Dance  Vertical Farming  Board Games
 Floorball  Guitar    Chinese Calligraphy
 Football  Singing    Coffee
 Frisbee      Cooking
 Road Relay      Crochet
 Rock Climbing      E-Gaming
 Table Tennis      Mental Wellness Initiative
 Volleyball      Movie