Recruitment ready series: Ace your interview!

Recruitment ready series: Ace your interview! EDM image

Interested in a career in financial services? Want to know how to stand out from the crowd and what our recruiters are looking for?

Our interactive workshops are designed to help kickstart your career!

Find out how to effectively prepare and what we look for in candidates during our online assessments and video interviews.

We’ll share our do’s and don'ts as you gain insight into how our recruiters assess video interviews.

Recruitment ready series: Ace your interview! Organizer Logo

Career Workshops

Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Time: 7.30pm – 9pm

Industry: Banks (International)

Faculties: College of Design and Engineering, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, School of Computing, NUS Business School

Target Audience: All students
