
Build a talent pipeline for your organisation with internships.

Internships (Employer) - Header

Internships allow your organisation to build a talent pipeline while promoting your brand. The NUS education is designed to strengthen our students’ cognitive skills, enabling these young talents to ask the right questions and use quantitative reasoning to deal with uncertainty and solve complex problems.

Internships (Employer) - Access

Access an excellent pool of talent and potential hires for your organisation

Internships (Employer) - Inject

Inject new perspectives into your work and organisation

Internships (Employer) - Provide

Provide opportunities for your staff to inspire, mentor and coach the next generation

With over 40,000 students, NUS has a vast talent pool of multi-disciplinary students.
Learn more about our undergraduate and postgraduate education programmes.

Singapore-based employer

Join us as an internship partner! Follow the steps below to start sourcing talented interns.

Overseas-based employer

Join us as an internship partner! Follow the steps below to start sourcing talented interns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Part-time Internships

Part-time internships refers to internships undertaken by full-time NUS student who is taking courses for the semester. Usually, part-time internships are personal arrangement between the students and the employers.

Leave of Absence (LOA) Internships

Internship Support Letter

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