Green Connect

Green Connect 2023 aims to help students interested in sustainability make informed career choices. Participants will be able to interact with industry professionals from various fields including conservation, environmental consultancy, ESG and green finance. In addition, a number of industry experts will be speaking to share more about their specific fields of expertise, allowing students to glean useful career insights.

Green Connect 2023 is organised by the Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) Outreach Committee in partnership with NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates.

This is a workshop under NUS Career Fest 2023.

Green Connect Organizer Logo

Career Workshops

Date: Thursday, 12 January 2023

Time: 12pm – 4pm

Event Venue: NUS Science Level 2 Multi-Purpose Room (above the air-conditioned space of Frontier Canteen)

Industry: Others

Faculties: College of Design and Engineering, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, School of Computing, NUS Business School

Target Audience: All students
