Achieving Success: The Mindset, Methods, and Motivation

Did you know that only 8% of people who make new-year resolutions achieve them?

Join the exclusive 8% –  Break free from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary!

Embrace your journey to success by immersing yourself in the wisdom of the newly-launched book, “You Don’t Suck, The new A to Z to make it!",  that will make you chuckle, challenge your thinking, and stimulate your actions to conquer your goals. 

Delve into the witty mind of the author, Allison Ching, an NUS alum who is an author, life coach, and programme director. Be captivated with timeless truths and unconventional perspectives to transform your resolutions into reality.

What is in store for you:

  • A riveting keynote by the author, unveiling the secrets to achieving your goals
  • A fireside chat to glean exclusive insights from “You Don’t Suck: The new A to Z to make it!”
  • Engage in a dynamic Q&A session, and you may just win some fabulous prizes
  • Network with Allison during an exclusive post-event session 

What you will learn:

  • How to transition from “Where do I go from here?” to “I am finally here!”
  • The 3Ms of goal-getting: mindset, methods, and motivation
  • Proven techniques, practical approaches, and useful tips to supercharge your ambitions

Be prepared to embrace your inner strength, conquer your doubts, and power through to your goals. Sometimes, the secret to finding success is as simple as showing up!

Be inspired, be entertained, and let curiosity guide you towards a brighter future.

Allison Ching
Allison Ching

Allison Ching abides by the mantra ‘Dream, Do, Deliver’ and hopes to inspire this conviction in the people she meets to impact their lives and help them to achieve their goals. 

After graduating from NUS with a Bachelor of Arts (Communications and New Media), Allison started her career as a news and business editor. After several years, she decided to pursue an MBA with INSEAD Business School to broaden her capabilities and opportunities. Polished in programme management and communications, Allison has launched and scaled different types of programmes for multi-national companies. Her goal-oriented approach and execution skills ensured major programmes achieved planned objectives and outcomes within tight timelines, winning her individual and team awards. 

Passionate about developing people, Allison is a certified life coach and is trained with the world’s top coaching organisation Co-Active Training Institute (CTI). In addition, she is a motivational speaker and a published author of the book 'You don't suck' which explores what it takes to reach one's goals and to live a purposeful life. 

Allison currently works and lives in Singapore. Whenever she can, she speaks and writes to evoke joy, poignance, laughter, inspiration, and maybe a little controversy. She is happiest when she is lost in her imagination, wandering among nature, eating spicy local delights, and when she finally masters the piano one day.

Achieving Success: The Mindset, Methods, and Motivation Organizer Logo

Career Workshops

Date: Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Time: 12pm – 2pm

Event Venue: Online via Zoom

Industry: Others

Faculties: Faculty of Law, School of Computing, NUS Business School, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, College of Design and Engineering

Target Audience: All students and alumni
