First Impressions Last: Make a Confident Impression

Did you know that half of hiring managers decide within the first five minutes of an interview if a candidate is a good fit for a position? 

In today's competitive landscape, your initial first impression can be a deciding factor in shaping your career prospects. Entering the professional realm requires more than just knowledge; it demands a distinct and memorable presentation of oneself. With NUS Career Fest just around the corner, we invite you to join us for a workshop dedicated to helping you make a great first impression and present your best self to employers, whether at career fairs, networking events, or job interviews.

Are you sceptical about the impact of appearance and networking in making an impression with employers? This workshop will uncover how these seemingly superficial aspects wield significant influence in forging professional connections and unlocking opportunities.

What's in Store?

Led by professional image experts from Imageworks, the session delves into three essential strategies to craft an authentic professional image that is true to who you are and create a lasting impression. Join this session and learning about the following:

Strategy 1: Be Authentic – navigate the 3As of your personal brand

  • Understand the influence of perception and the significance of initial impressions
  • Embrace the 3As (Appearance, Actions, and Attitudes) for a compelling personal brand

Strategy 2: Be Charismatic – capture hearts and minds through impactful communication

  • Manage the 3Vs of verbal, vocal, and visual communication
  • Engage in effective small talk and communication techniques

Strategy 3: Be Enhanced – elevate your image with insightful dressing tips

  • Find out how you can communicate different qualities with your style of dressing, such asappearing approachable, authoritative or creative
  • Learn how to adapt your image through colour, prints, fabric, style, and accessories for both masculine or feminine looks

Attend this workshop dressed for a career fair, receive personalised feedback, and immediately apply your newfound knowledge with confidence at your next career event. Your career journey commences with your first impression – make it a powerful one. Light refreshments will be provided.

Spaces are limited for this session. Non-Business School students and undergraduate students are given priority. For any Business School students interested to register, please register for the waiting list. For any postgraduate student interested to attend, please register for the waiting list.

This workshop is a pre-event activity under NUS Career Fest 2024. Join us at NUS Career Fest on 20 - 22 February 2024.

Laura Dudley

Lara Dudley
Senior Consultant & Corporate Trainer

Lara is a management consultant by training, an entrepreneur by choice and an educator at heart.

Since 2014, she co-founded DigitalMatter – a tech consultancy for real estate developers, architects, engineers and contractors. Her team describes her as a “visionary and compassionate leader” which translates into her training style. Expect her to question your status quo and challenge you to stretch further. And she will do this within a highly collaborative environment with everyone smiling along the way.

Known by her friends as a “super-connector” and powerful networker, Lara is always resourceful in seeking answers. With experiences across finance, consulting and the built environment, she has worked with the Big (banks and governments) as well as the Small (start-ups and non-profit). Lara holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from University College, London. Her work has taken her from the UK to Mongolia to Australia and most places in between.

First Impressions Last: Make a Confident Impression Organizer Logo

Career Workshops

Date: Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Time: 2pm – 5pm

Event Venue: Centre for English Language Communication, Seminar Room (02-30)

Industry: Others

Faculties: Faculty of Law, School of Computing, NUS Business School, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, College of Design and Engineering

Target Audience: All students (Priority provided to non-business students)
