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Women’s Professional Development

Become a leader of tomorrow.

Career Catalyst

Women face more challenges as they rise through the ranks in their careers, including getting promoted to leadership positions, according to the McKinsey report and the Leanln study.

The Women's Professional Development (CFG1500) course is designed to provide year 2, 3 and 4 female undergraduate students with knowledge and skills to succeed as a female in the workplace.

Through understanding the challenges women uniquely face, especially in advancing their careers and balancing work-life, students will learn how to navigate these uncertain times, honing their self-awareness and mental resilience life skills. Students will also be mentored by senior female leaders and engage in peer learning through experiential activities, building their interpersonal skills whether in collaboration, communication, or networking.

CC-Icons_Get Internship

Receive exclusive mentorship
by a female leader

CC-Icons_Get Internship

Develop a 5-year career plan to navigate challenges with clarity and direction


Acquire skills to accelerate your professional advancement

Course Details & Registration

Course Units: 2 Units, Unrestricted Elective (UE) Course
Assessment and Grading Basis: CS/CU
Pre-requisites: Year 2, 3 and 4 female undergraduate students
Schedule: Semester 2 of AY2024/2025

Mode of Enrolment: You may register for this course by filling your details in the registration form (registration has closed).


For any questions on this course, please e-mail and attention it to Megan.

Course Structure

Build Awareness

Session 1: Develop Awareness of Yourself and the World Around You

This e-learning is tailored for early career women, helping students understand self-awareness, its importance in mental resilience, and how to cultivate it. It will also cover skills crucial for professional development such as strengths identification and effective communication skills.

Goal Setting

Session 2: Set Goals, Identify Challenges, and Seek Solutions as Part of Career Planning

In this first in-person session, students will be guided in planning their career journeys by setting realistic goals, challenges, and solutions through a five-year framework. Students will learn networking strategies and craft their elevator pitches to enhance their communication skills and professional readiness.

SWOT Analysis and Career Planning with Mentors

Session 3: SWOT Analysis and Career Planning with Mentors

Students will be introduced to their mentors in-person and learn about their professional journeys. They will share their five-year career plans with their mentors for feedback and integrate SWOT insights. There will also be a networking activity where students will be able to practice their elevator pitches.


Session 4: Increase Awareness and Understanding of Internal and External Challenges

This e-learning explores the business case for gender diversity, highlighting its impact on performance and innovation. It addresses external and internal challenges in a woman’s career progression, such as workplace biases, imposter experience, and work-life balance. Students will learn strategies for resilience, build support networks, and set achievable career goals.

Panel Discussion

Session 5: Can You Have It All?

This session features a panel discussion on achieving balance as a working woman, exploring career, family, and work-life priorities. Students will be able to engage with the speakers, followed by speed networking with mentors in rotating groups. Students will be required to submit reflections after the panel.

Recap, Reflect, and Action

Session 6: Recap, Reflect, and Commit to Action 

This final session will include students engaging in a prioritisation exercise and reviewing their revised five-year career plans. The session also focuses on developing a three-month action plan for immediate goals, identifying accountability partners, and submitting reflections.


CFG1500 is structured around six lessons and delivered in an e-learning and face to face workshops format.

To secure a CS for this course, you will need to complete the following:

  • All assessment components
  • 100% classroom attendance (comprises 4 in-person sessions)

There is no examination for this course.

Assessment Instructions for Students

Grading Components:

Assessment Task Assessment Weightage

Submission of Career Plan

  • Submission of 3-month plan (10%)
  • Submission of final 5-year plan (20%)
Completion of e-learning 1 & 2  10%
In class participation for all 4 in-person sessions 40%
Submission of self-reflection20%
Total Course Score 100%

What our students and mentors say

Karishma Thirumaran 

"The course broadened my perspective on topics such as understanding our unique journeys, personal branding, and empowerment. It was very interactive and engaging through various panels, group discussions and more. It was inspiring to converse, learn from and make connections with the mentors who were eager to share their experiences and advice. The final pitch component also allowed us to explore design thinking in an area we cared about. Through the mentors, the course material and the meaningful projects, I was able to delve deeper into what it meant for me to ‘climb the ladder’, understand my career and personal goals better, and make genuine connections.”

— Karishma Thirumaran, Multi Disciplinary Programme, Year 2 Student

Ask CeeVee
Ask CeeVee

Hi. My name is CeeVee! I'm the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG)'s friendly virtual assistant. I'm happy to answer your career-related questions. To start, tell me about yourself!

  • I'm a student
  • I'm an alumnus/alumna
  • I'm an employer
  • I'm a staff