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Founded in 1905, NUS and NUS Libraries mark a momentous milestone in 2025—120 years of transformative impact on our community. As part of the NUS120 celebrations, NUS Libraries invites you to join us in commemorating this remarkable journey. From the unveiling of 120 stories that showcase our rich history to a host of exciting activities, there’s something for everyone to discover and celebrate!
In conjunction with
120 Stories offers a glimpse into the diverse and invaluable collections that have shaped our academic landscape over the years. Each story provides a unique perspective on our collections and materials seen through the lens of a librarian.
To trace the roots of NUS, we dig into NUS Libraries’ collections. This is a story of Singapore's first medical school as revealed through documents in NUS Libraries’ collections.
The BookBridge is one of the more distinctive design features of Central Library. Read about a librarian's vision and the relationship between aesthetics and the concept of renewability.