To provide a safe and productive environment for our patrons, these library policies support the governance of responsible behavior when using our library facilities and resources.

In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

  1. Article(s) refers to an article or articles in a journal(s).
  2. Authorised Library Officer refers to any one of the Heads of the Library departments or their designated representatives.
  3. Collection refers to the Library's collection of Works in any form, including books, journals, journals, CD-ROMs, music or video compact discs, video tapes, computer software and Electronic Materials.
  4. Library refers to any of the following libraries administered by NUS, namely Central Library, Wan Boo Sow Chinese Library, C J Koh Law Library, Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library, Medicine+Science Library, Music Library, Library at UTown/Yale-NUS College Library collectively referred to as the NUS Libraries.
  5. Electronic Materials refers to any or all, as the case may be, of those parts of the Collection which are in electronic medium.
  6. Electronic Medium includes but is not limited to digital optical and magnetic information storage and retrieval platforms or systems (including but not limited to videos, floppy disc-based software, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM, interactive software compact discs, ROM-card silicon chip and any other similar or dissimilar offline platforms or systems) online electronic or other transmission (including but not limited to satellite or microwave transmission, video-on-demand and/or near near-video-on-demand and the Internet) and any such digital online collection developed and maintained by the University whether now known or subsequently developed.
  7. Member(s) refers to a member(s) of the NUS Libraries and temporary users who are provided with temporary reading permits.
  8. NUS refers to the National University of Singapore.
  9. NUS Examination Papers refers to past NUS examination papers in the Collection.
  10. Officer refers to a Library staff.
  11. Journal(s) refers to an issue or issues of journal publications.
  12. Premises refer to Library premises.
  13. RBR refers to Reserve Books/Readings in the Collection.
  14. RMI or Rights Management Information refers to information that identifies the Work, author of the Work or owner of copyright in the Work, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the copy of the Work, or any numbers or codes that represents any of the above information.
  15. Rules refers to these Library Rules, which may be amended by NUS from time to time.
  16. A technological access control measure refers to any technology, device or component that controls access to a copy of a Work.
  17. A technological measure refers to any technological access control measure or a technological protection measure.
  18. A technological protection measure refers to any technology, device or component that effectively prevents or limits the doing of any act comprised in the copyright in Work, e.g. copying, use or distribution of a Work.
  19. Work(s) include(s) literary, dramatic musical and artistic work(s).



  1. Conduct prejudicial to the proper use of the library is forbidden.
  2. Smoking, food and drinks are not allowed in the library. At Central Library, food and drinks purchased at PerkPoint are to be consumed within the area.
  3. Silence shall be observed in the public areas of the library. All mobile devices and watch alarms should be switched to the silent mode before entering the library.
  4. Misuse/meddling of equipment(IT, multimedia players, etc.) and infrastructure provided by NUS (i.e. wi-fi and LAN) is not allowed.
  5. Users of the library should be appropriately attired.
  6. Seats in the library may not be reserved.
  7. Library materials may not be removed from the library unless they have been properly issued by a library staff or through a self-service checkout terminal.
  8. Mutilation and theft of Library materials are offences punishable by law, and in the case of NUS students and staff, are also disciplinary offences. Appropriate action will be taken by NUS against offenders. A student found guilty may be expelled at the University’s discretion.
  9. The Library reserves the right to cancel reservations, loans, requests and to limit or withdraw a Member’s privileges without prior notice for any reason deemed appropriate by the Library.
  10. All books and personal belongings must be shown to the staff whenever required to do so.
  11. Library membership cards are not transferable. You must present your card at the access control gate to enter the library. Your card must be produced whenever requested by the Library staff. Members are to keep their Library membership card safely and ensure that their card is not used by anyone else. A card holder is not permitted to use his/her card to authorize the entry of another person into the library.
  12. Members are required to notify Loans & Membership Services in Central Library immediately of any change of postal address or email address or if their card has been replaced with a new or another card.
  13. Loss of Library membership cards must be reported immediately in person or by telephone to the loans desk in the relevant Library. Members shall be liable for any transactions resulting from the unauthorised use of their Library membership cards occurring before the loss or theft is reported to the Library.
  14. External Members may replace their lost cards for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for the first replacement, $50.00 for the second replacement and $100.00 for the third replacement. If a lost or stolen Library membership card is found or recovered after a replacement card has been made, the Member must not subsequently use the recovered card. Instead, the recovered card must be returned to the Library immediately.
  15. The Library reserves the right to reject new applications and/or the renewal of Library memberships, including access to all electronic resources.
  16. NUS will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users in the Library.
  17. The Library staff have the right to:
    a. ask Members to leave the Library if they are inappropriately dressed or are causing a disturbance.
    b. remove any book, file, bag, food or any other personal belongings of Library users, which are left unattended.
    c. ask a non-Member to leave the Library.
  18. No animals, except guide dogs, are allowed on the Library premises.
  19. Personal mobility devices, except those used to assist members with mobility disability, are not allowed to be brought into the library.


1. Borrowing

  • For a Member's loan entitlement, please refer to the Table.
  • Members must produce their valid library membership cards when borrowing materials. Borrowing must be done in person. Members must verify that all library materials in their possession have been properly checked out to them before leaving the library.
  • Members are held responsible for all materials charged to their cards. Members using self service borrowing terminals should retain the checkout receipts as proof of borrowing.
  • Members may not use invalid membership cards or cards of other members to borrow materials or gain access to other library services.
  • Members must not sub-lend materials.
  • Members will be held responsible for any mutilation (including defacement) found in library materials when returned. They must check and report any mutilation found before borrowing.
  • Members must return or renew their materials immediately when due or recalled.
  • Library materials may be returned through any book chutes or book drops or Loans Desk within the campus except for RBR materials, interlibrary loan materials, compact discs, diskettes and multimedia programmes, which are to be returned at the service point from which they were borrowed.
  • All materials that are overdue and have holds placed against them must be returned immediately. Borrowing, reserving and renewing of all materials will be suspended until the overdue material has been returned.
  • Members must ensure that Library materials checked out to them are returned or renewed on or before the date due. Notices sent by NUS Libraries serve only as a reminder and non-receipt of the notices does not absolve any Member from paying fines or other penalties as stated in these Rules. Members are encouraged to login at myLINC to check their library record regularly.
  • Any material not returned in response to a final overdue notice would be considered as lost and the member would be billed accordingly.
  • Library materials are deemed to be on loan to Members until properly checked in at return. Members must verify that the Library material have been properly checked in before leaving the Library.
  • Members must report the loss of Library materials immediately to the loans desk of the relevant Library. Fines will be calculated, according to the prevailing fines rate, from the date due to the date when the Library material was reported lost or, if subsequently found, till the date the Library material is returned.
  • Members who lose Library materials are liable to pay for the current cost of the books (including binding costs, if applicable) as well as administrative and processing charges of $25.00 per book, or $50.00 per RBR book neither of which is refundable. Membership who lose Library materials which are out-of-print  are liable to pay 3 times the current cost of the books (including binding costs, if applicable) as well as administrative and processing charges of $25.00 per book neither of which is refundable. 
  • External members may not have access to some titles in the digital and media collection due to licensing agreement regulations.
  • Books on loan to members should not be taken out of the country.
  • Fines may be imposed, and/or library membership may be suspended or withdrawn for any Member who breaches any of the Library Rules. Disciplinary action may also be taken against students found guilty of breaching the Library Rules.

2. Renewals

  • Undergraduate, honours and graduate students are allowed 3 online renewals for Library materials.
  • From 5th July 2019, for Academic and Admin/Professional Staff members, books loaned from main shelves will be automatically renewed 2 days before the due date to save time of renewing online or at the libraries.

    Additionally, an eligible item can be renewed up to 11 times.

    Borrowers will receive an e-mail notice for items that are due, indicating whether an item is auto-renewed or required to be returned to the library. Alternatively they may log in myLINC to check the status of the borrowed items.

    Main shelf books borrowed before 5th July 2019 will not be enrolled in the automatic renewal. Borrowers can continue to renew them online up to 5 times or return the book at the libraries and re-borrow them to enjoy the automatic renewal.

    Manual online renewals can still be done before it reaches the total 11 times of renewal. In such scenarios, due date will be updated from the date the borrower manually renewed according to the loan entitlement.

    The Library will consider extending the automatic renewal of library materials to all NUS staff and students at a later stage.

    Borrowers are allowed 1 online renewal for bound journals kept in Closed Stacks via myLINC.

  • All other Members are allowed 2 online renewals for Library materials (except Law Books) via myLINC.
  • Renewals will not be accepted on myLINC if:
    - Item is on hold for another Member
    - Item is long overdue
    - Item has exceeded number of renewals allowed
    - Item is a journal or RBR material
    - Item has been recalled
  • Renewals through the telephone will not be accepted.
  • Members must check myLINC to ensure that there are no holds on the item before re-borrowing the item at the loans desk of the Library.

3. Holds (Reservations)

  • Holds can be placed for Library materials (except RBR materials) with the status Request Item (Closed Stacks), Due, At binding, In-process, On order.
  • Members may place holds on Library materials through myLINC or LINC using the REQUEST function.
  • Members must check myLINC regularly to find out whether the Library materials they have placed on hold are ready to be picked up. NUS staff and students who have email addresses provided by NUS or who have given their preferred email to NUS Libraries will be notified by email. Others will be notified by postal mail.
  • Library materials ready for pickup will be kept for 5 days from the date of notification for NUS staff and students; for external Members, they will be kept for 7 days. If it is not collected by the stipulated date the hold will lapse.
  • Each Member may place holds on a maximum number of items according to their loan entitlement.
  • Members must personally collect Library materials on hold for them.
  • Requests through the telephone will not be accepted.
  • The Library reserves the right to cancel holds for items that have been recommended for the RBR.

4. Overnight Loan of RBR Materials

  • A Reserve Books/Readings (RBR) material may be collected 2 hours before the Library closes.
  • The RBR material must be returned within the hour when the Library is next open. The RBR material must be returned to the loans desk of the relevant Library.

5. Overdue Materials

  • Fines are levied on overdue Library materials. No fines will be charged for the days when the relevant Library is closed.
  • Library privileges (borrowing, renewing, reserving) will be suspended if overdue Library materials are not returned or renewed.
    - Student's E-Resource access will also be suspended if overdue Library materials are not returned or renewed and any Library fines not settled.
  • Members will have to bear the cost of fines imposed by the external lending library for overdue interlibrary loan materials.
  • Penalties may be imposed on Members for frequent late returns or loss of Library materials.
  • A two-month suspension from borrowing RBR materials may be imposed for frequent late returns or loss of RBR materials.

6. Rates of Fines

A*Star organisation member
External personal member
Corporate member

$0.50 per day fr 4th day aft due date

$1.00 per day fr 15th day aft due date $1.00 per day fr 4th day aft due date$1.00 per day fr 4th day aft due date$2.00 per day fr 4th day aft due date
$1.00 per hour aft due timePrivileges suspended aft due time No loan No loan No loan
7-Day Loan
Book (with

 $0.50 per day$1.00 per day $1.00 per day $1.00 per day $1.00 per day
Bound Journal
$1.00 per day aft due date$3.00 per day aft due date$1.00 per day aft due date No loan No loan

* Notes: The loan of non-circulating items such as current journals, reference materials, and special collection e.g. RBR , Singapore/Malaysia Collection varies from library to library and in some cases is at the discretion of the head of the library or department. Some exceptions to the rules are practiced in the Law and Medical because of the special nature of their collections.


  • Members with unpaid fines and debts will have their library borrowing, renewing and reserving privileges temporarily suspended until these liabilities have been paid.
  • Graduating students must return all library outstanding loans, fines and debts must be paid, one month before the Commencement Day.
  • All debts to the Library must be paid when due to the Library or the Office of Financial Services, NUS as specified. All monies, except fines, collected by the Library are subject to GST.
  • Fines for books start from the appropriate day after the due date.
  • Fines for RBR materials start from the time due to the time it is checked in.
  • Fines for carrels vary from $1.00 per hour to $1.00 per day. Please check with the library concerned.


    Please click here
    1. Selected academic exercises deposited in the Library are for reference and may be consulted in the Library but may not be borrowed. Copies of an academic exercise may be supplied to approved institutions with the permission of the Director of NUS Libraries or the Head of the Department to which the academic exercise was originally submitted. Applications for copies must be submitted in writing.
    2. Selected theses and dissertations for the graduate degrees of NUS deposited in the Library are for reference and may be consulted in the Library but may not be borrowed. Copies of theses or dissertations may be supplied to approved institutions with the permission of the Director of NUS Libraries. Applications for copies must be submitted in writing.
    3. Members who consult an academic exercise or thesis must not quote from it without due acknowledgement.
    4. Members who wish to photocopy any part of an academic exercise or thesis must make sure they will not infringe Singapore Copyright Laws. 
      (See Section G below)
    1. NUS academic staff and graduate students who require materials not held by NUS Libraries may request the Library to borrow them from other external libraries for research and teaching purposes. Requests must be made on interlibrary loan (ILL) form and submitted to Loans Desk of the respective Library.
    2. Libraries in Singapore requesting an inter-library loan must produce a valid NUS Libraries interlibrary loan card (ILL Card) at Loans Desk of the respective Library.

      The borrowing library in Singapore making use of courier services must observe the following:   
      • Call 6516-6949 in advance
      • Prepare the ILL card issued to your library
      • Collect the materials during Central Library opening hours.
    3. The ILL card issued by NUS Libraries is strictly for ILL purpose and is NOT a membership card of NUS Libraries. It should not be handed to anyone from the borrowing institution to be used for purposes other than ILL.
    4. Library materials must be returned to the Loans Desk of the respective Library from which they were borrowed.
    5. The following materials cannot be borrowed:   
      • Current, Bound and unbound journals and newspapers
      • Reference Collection
      • Reserve Books/Readings (RBR)
      • Singapore-Malaysia Collection materials
      • Microforms
      • Media materials
      • Compact disks (except when it accompanies a book)
      • Computer diskettes (except when it accompanies a book)
      • C J Koh Law Library collection
    6. NUS Libraries reserves the right not to loan any material from their collections.

    These guidelines are designed to assist NUS Libraries' authorised users on the appropriate copying of Library materials within the provision of Singapore Copyright Law.

    1. Who may copy

    • NUS staff, students, alumni and other authorised Library users may photocopy materials using the self-service photocopiers within the Library premises.
    • The Library may copy on behalf of:
      - Requesting libraries for Interlibrary Loan (for document supply)
      - Requests from NUS-Affiliated National Research Institutes/Centres

    2. Conditions for copying

    • By photocopying, requesting the Library to photocopy or otherwise making copies of materials from the Collection, authorised users acknowledge that:
      - They are making copies for and on their own behalf
      - NUS is not privy to or a participant in the copying of these Works and NUS Libraries do not assume any responsibility nor liability for copies made by the authorised users
      - They are solely responsible for the copying of Works made by or for them and their subsequent use
    • Authorised users are advised that all copies of Works made by them must be for the purpose of:
      - Research or study
      - Criticism or review (with sufficient acknowledgement of the Work)
      - Reporting of current events, judicial proceedings or report of judicial proceedings
      - Seeking professional advice from – or giving professional advice by – an advocate and solicitor
      All subject to the limitations set out in paragraph 3 below.
    • Requestor from NUS-Affiliated National Research Institutes/Centres who require a copy of an Article in a journal or a copy of Work to be made by the Library must:
      - Provide the Authorised Library Officer a written request in the prescribed form for a copy of the Work to be made
      - Provide a signed declaration in the prescribed form, stating that they require the copy for the purpose of research or study and will not use it for any other purpose, and they have not been previously supplied with a copy of the same by the Library or that they have lost, destroyed or damaged any copy previously supplied to them
      - Pay the applicable charge determined by the Library

    3. Limitations for copying

    The following limits on the copying or reproduction of any Work for the purpose of research or study must be strictly observed:

    • Print materials
      - Published books (of at least 10 pages): In total, not more than one chapter or 10% of the pages
      - Journals: Not more than the whole of one Article in a journal, unless the Articles relate to the same subject matter
    • Electronic Materials
      Not more than, in total,
      - 10% of the total number of bytes in the Work, or
      - 10% of the total number of words in the Work or, where it is not practical to use the total number of words as a measure, 10% of the contents of the Work, or
      - One chapter of the Work, where it exceeds any of the limits.

    Where the copying or reproduction of a Work is not for the purpose of research or study but for other purposes of criticism or review; reporting of current events; judicial proceedings or report of judicial proceedings; or seeking professional advice from – or giving professional advice by – an advocate and solicitor, it is the responsibility of the authorised users to ensure that their dealings with the Collection are fair in all circumstances and for all purposes

    4. Library's Discretion

    The Library reserves the right to refuse to make any copies of any Works from the Collection for the authorised users as well as to prohibit these users from making copies of any Works from the Collection, as it deems fit.

    5. Rights Management Information and Circumvention of Technology

    It is strictly prohibited to remove or alter the rights management information (RMI) relating to a Work or to undertake any act or provide any device, product or component to circumvent a technological measure which controls access to a Work.

    6. Copyright Laws

    In addition to observation of these Guidelines, authorised users are also responsible personally for ensuring observation of all applicable copyright laws in respect of a Work in any form, whether such Work is from the Collection or not. Where these Guidelines are in conflict with any applicable copyright laws, the latter shall supersede the former.

    Copyright Warning
    Copyright is a serious matter and any failure to observe these Guidelines and copyright laws may expose you to criminal and civil liability.


        NUS Libraries reserves the right to amend or revoke any of these Rules from time to time. Please check the NUS Libraries website here for the latest version of these Rules which is applicable with immediate effect.

        NUS Libraries reserves the right to take appropriate action against Members who contravene any part of these Rules.

        1. The student matriculation card issued by the University serves as the library membership card for students.  
        2. The staff identification card issued by the University serves as the library membership card for NUS staff.  
        3. Part-time academic staff may approach the admin staff of their department to apply for access to NUS Libraries. 
        4. The external personal membership cards and the corporate membership cards are issued by the NUS Libraries to approved applicants of library membership.

        Membership Enquiries

        Membership Services, Central Library
        National University of Singapore
        12, Kent Ridge Crescent,
        Singapore 119275

        Email: Library Membership
        Telephone: (65) 6516-2029



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