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Learn about online tools such as Proxy Bookmarklet, BrowZine, Citation Managers and FindIt! with Google Scholar
Found the perfect article for your research but need to pay for it? The Proxy Bookmarklet is a great tool that lets you access a publication's full-texts for free, via our subscription. One of our most popular tools, it's quick to install and helps you get around paywalls. Try it!
Similar to the Proxy Bookmarklet, you can use Find It! @ NUS Libraries to access academic resources paid for or subscribed by us. This tool is used primarily for searching across Google Scholar.
You can use another tool, Libkey Nomad, to enjoy seamless access to millions of articles for free, via our subscription. When viewing publisher pages, LibKey Nomad will indicate when an article’s full-text is available and connect you to it in a single click.
BrowZine delivers thousands of academic journals to your device anytime, anywhere. You can create your personal bookshelf of favorite titles, and curate a custom reading list
of articles. BrowZine helps you keep up with the newest research article in your field!
Creating your reference list manually can be overwhelming. especially when there’s so much online resources to manage and organise. Our recommended suite of Reference Management Software allows you to streamline your work and collaborations in an efficient way.
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