All NUS staff and students are automatically admitted as members of NUS Libraries. You can access our libraries and resources using your staff or matriculation card. For details on membership eligibility, please refer to General Information.

Term contract staff may apply for the following library privileges:



Our libraries serve primarily the NUS community. Please refer to the General Information for details on who is eligible. Members of the public who wish to use our libraries may apply for the following types of external membership.

For the full details of our Data Protection Policy, which applies to all External Library Members, please click here.

Please read the details of each type of membership to see which is applicable to you. If a PDF form is available, print to complete the details required, and return it to the address below, together with the necessary documents.

Membership Services, Central Library
National University of Singapore
12, Kent Ridge Crescent
Singapore 119275


For more information, please call 6516-2029 or email Library Membership.



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