Please be reminded that most of our libraries will be closed on these days:

  • NUS Well-Being Day 28 March 2025 (Fri)

  • Hari Raya Puasa 31 March 2025 (Mon)

Some library/space will remain open. Pls check this page for details.



tree with wide canopy tree with wide canopy

Our heartfelt gratitude to these distinguished donors whose kind support and generosity made it possible for us to further our pursuit in preserving and sharing knowledge.

C J Koh portrait

Mr Koh Choon Joo

Donald Anthony Low portrait

Prof Donald Anthony Low

Wan Boo Sow portrait

Mr Wan Boo Sow

Wang-Chen Hsiu Chin portrait

Mrs Wang-Chen Hsiu Chin

Peggy Hochstadt portrait

Mrs Peggy Wai Chee Leong-Hochstadt 

Chan Sek Keong

Mr Chan Sek Keong

NUS Libraries owns a rich and diverse collection that serves the multi-disciplinary needs of the University.

Your gift to us is a contribution towards NUS’ advancement in research and teaching. Your gift is also an investment in our efforts to preserve, digitise and share knowledge with future generations.

Invest in the future today by completing this form and sending it to

For Enquiries

Tel: (65) 6516 2036

Fax: (65) 6774 7180



For donation of Chinese materials, please visit 中文图书捐赠.

Selection Guidelines

All potential donations are evaluated based on the Library’s needs. Except for rare and special items, the Library generally


  • Scholarly materials relevant to the university’s learning, teaching and research needs
  • Materials which fall within the scope of the Library’s collection development policy, e.g. Singapore - Malaysia Collection
  • Journal issues that fill gaps in completing the run of titles that are already held in the Library


  • Duplicate items already held by the Library (unless additional copies are needed or the copy is a special edition that is useful to add)
  • Superseded editions of reference works or textbooks
  • Publications that focus on the mystical, e.g. astrology, palmistry, fortune-telling, divinatory graphology, occultism
  • Books whose contents are obsolete (e.g. computer software manuals)
  • Encyclopedias, used textbooks, magazines, damaged books, mass market paperbacks and self-help books
  • Obsolete formats such as 5.25" floppy disks, filmstrips, etc.
  • Marked, defaced and soiled items

Conditions of Acceptance of Gifts

The Library greatly appreciates gifts of books and other materials that enrich the Library’s collections. Due to space constraint, librarians will review all gifts for suitability for the collections and dispose of unwanted gifts as deem appropriate.

Unless otherwise arranged between the donor and the Library, all gifts are accepted based on the understanding that the Library reserves the right to determine their retention, location, organization, preservation and accessibility, and other considerations relating to their use and disposition.

Materials not appropriate for our collection may be donated to other libraries or educational institutions, discarded, or otherwise disposed of. Gifts donated with restrictions or special conditions are accepted on a case by case basis, with a view towards making the material available to researchers within the parameters of the restrictions.

Pickup and Delivery Arrangement

Unless otherwise arranged between the donor and NUS Libraries, please deliver them in person to:


Technical Services (Gifts)
NUS Libraries
Central Library, Level 3
12 Kent Ridge Crescent
Singapore 119275
(between 9.00 am and 5.00pm, Monday – Friday)

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