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Fun-size sessions to maximise learning. Short in duration, big on content.

Southeast Asian Primary Resources

18 Nov (Thu), 11am - 11.30am

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The library has various primary sources in our holdings. Come find out what they are!

Nur Diyana

Heroines: Gender & Artistry

30 Sep (Thu), 11am - 11.30am

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Researching on women in performing arts? Explore the library’s vast database showcasing female finesse in creative arts—get to know them and use them.

Jamila Osman
Lynette Lim

Find Full-Text of Straits Times Articles in Factiva

27 Aug (Fri), 12nn - 12.30pm

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Don't have a Premium account with Straits Times? Can't find the full article? Use Factiva to find and download full-text Straits Times news articles. This topic is suitable for students in writing or communications module, or anyone looking for Singapore content in newspapers.

Wong Kah Wei

Simplify Your Online Research in Philosophy

17 Jun (Thu), 11am - 11.30am

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Clueless how to find resources for your Philosophy paper? Let us introduce you to PhilPapers, a database containing comprehensive coverage on the subject of Philosophy.

Mani Kumar
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