1. Those entitled to use the University Library:
    a. All registered students of the University
    b. Graduate students and research staff of the University
    c. Full-time and part-time teaching staff of the University
    d. Members of the administrative and library staff of the University
    e. Full-time non-academic staff of the University
    f. Members of the University Council
    g. The Speaker, Cabinet Ministers, Supreme Court Judges and Members of Parliament

  2. Those who may obtain library privileges on written application to the University Librarian, but are exempt from payment of an annual subscription fee: 

    a. Visiting scholars and researchers of the University
    b. Spouses of full-time University academic staff with teaching portfolio
    c. Others as admitted by the University

  3. Those who may be granted library privileges on written application to the University Librarian, and on payment of an annual subscription fee:
    a. External degree students of overseas universities and professional institutions
    b. Corporate bodies (industrial, financial, commercial and professional)
    c. Senior staff of Singapore government departments and statutory bodies
    d. Graduates of the University
    e. Others as admitted by the University

  4. The University Librarian may, at her discretion, permit other persons the occasional use of the Library.

  5. Membership is restricted to persons residing and working in Singapore.

  6. The University Librarian reserves the right to grant or not to grant membership.

  7. External membership is renewable on an annual basis.

  8. The University Librarian reserves the right to renew or not to renew membership.


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