Interlibrary loan is available to all local IHL libraries and Government run libraries. Participating libraries should be member of the Library Association of Singapore. All Interlibrary loan members will be issued with NUS Interlibrary Loan membership card. Membership is free of charge and will be given on a case by case basis. Members must produce their cards to enter the Library. Please note that the Interlibrary Card is to be used only for Interlibrary loan purposes. It is not to be used as  a membership card for access to our library to browse our open stacks collection.

Entitlement and privileges

  1. Loan period = 21 days (Certain materials are not available for loan e.g. C J Koh Law Library collection, Reserve Collection, Multimedia collection, etc) 
  2. No renewal (Loan can be extended by calling the lending library. Extension of a loan is treated as a new loan and is chargeable)  
  3. No grace period  
  4. $1.00 per book per day overdue fine  
  5. Reservation is not allowed  
  6. Pickup period is 5 days from the date the pickup notice is sent


  1. Members can request materials using Interlibrary Loan card, LAS Interlibrary Form, or email.
  2. A lending fee of $10.00 is levied for each item (not including the GST). CD accompanying a book will be considered one item.
  3. Borrowing library will collect the book from the lending library.
  4. For user making use of ILL form please state the borrower's name in addition to the borrowing library's name.
  5. The library's should rubber stamp on top of the name of the person carrying the form. This is to ensure that no one can forge or write any name on the form as they please.
  6. The ILL form must also have the date of issue, which is the date the form was given to the user. Preferably, the library must rubber stamp on the date too. We will not accept ILL form which is more than one week old.
  7. Walk-in user who needs interlibrary library service, must contact their home library and ask them to fax or email us the request.


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