Critical Reading & Annotation Skills Workshop
The slides and workshop recording can be found here:

Workshop Slides (Pdf, 8MB)

Workshop Recording


Generating the Essay Workshop
The slides and workshop recording can be found here:

Workshop Slides (Pdf, 2MB)

Workshop Handout (Pdf, 95KB)

Workshop Recording


Reviewing and Rewriting Workshop
The slides and workshop recording can be found here:

Workshop Slides (Pdf, 2MB)

Workshop Recording


Introduction to College Writing
The slides, supplementary materials and workshop recording can be found here:

Workshop Slides (Pdf, 3MB)

Supplementary Materials (Pdf, 148MB)

Sample Essay (Pdf, 72KB)

Workshop Recording



MST: Putting Thinkers Into Conversation
The slides and workshop recording can be found here:

Workshop Slides (Pdf, 2MB)

Workshop Recording (9th Sep 2021)

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