A Short Introduction to Cartography on the Web (7 Sep)

Maps allow you to tell many stories about places your audience is familiar with, making it easy to immediately situate data in relation to its context. But they are first and foremost a tool to discover and explore. Geospatial data is unique in many ways, and as such requires specific tools and knowledge to work with it. In this workshop, you will learn about what makes GIS data special, get an overview of the tools available in the web mapping ecosystem, and make your own interactive map by reusing a template provided by NUS libraries!


Please bring your laptop so you can benefit from the hands-on experience.



Gaetan Boisson

Senior Librarian (Digital Scholarship Manager)
Gaetan has worked for more than 10 years in libraries around the world. After doing his master's degree in Library and Information Science in Canada and France, he soon found himself managing the library at Alliance Française de Delhi in India, before working as a project manager for BibLibre, a French company dedicated to helping libraries set up Open Source software to manage their mission. This allowed him to serve as a consultant to libraries in Sweden, Iraq, Italy, Denmark, Iran and many other countries. Gaetan has been a longstanding discreet advocate for Open Source technologies and Open Access to data for more than a decade.
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