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Learn about online tools such as Proxy Bookmarklet, BrowZine, Citation Managers and FindIt! with Google Scholar
When you receive email alerts from databases or journal publishers, you may wish to download the full-text article at the click of a button. Similarly, you may find yourself on a website that appears to let you download an article, but when you click on the link, you have to pay for access.
Instead of checking the availability of the required title via the Library portal, try installing the Proxy Bookmarklet tool on your computer. This button will allow you to instantly access the NUS Libraries subscribed titles without leaving your webpage. You will have immediate access to the full-text journal articles that you need.
What is a Proxy Bookmarklet?
It is a bookmark that automatically adds the NUS Libraries proxy to the URL links obtained from external databases. Once you click on the Proxy Bookmarklet, you are able to retrieve the full-texts of resources licensed for use by NUS staff and students.
Instructions on how to install and use
To access full-text (via library proxy) from links obtained from external websites, go to
To access full-text (via library proxy) from links in your email alerts, go to
If you need additional information on configuration, go to NUS Library Portal>FAQ>Digital Resources. The first section “Accessing e-resources” contains all FAQ pertaining to the proxy bookmarklet.
Hayati Abdul
Central Library