Medicine+Science Library Soft Opening 15 June

Thursday, June 8, 2023
The former Faculty of Dentistry building at Lower Kent Ridge Road was identified in 2017 to be repurposed to house the future combined Medical and Science Libraries, currently located at blocks MD6 and S6 respectively.

We are pleased to announce the soft opening of the newly merged Medicine+Science Library (MSL) on Thursday, 15 June 2023! The new library is located at 11 Lower Kent Ridge Road (beside LT29)

Following five years of renovations, the new MSL is an impressive 4-storey building with a capacity of more than 1,200 seats. It will create not only a synergistic relationship between the medical and science faculties, but also the NUS community in that part of the campus. There’s also a variety of spaces to suit different needs:

  • Rooms for collaborative discussion or training with flexible mobile furniture
  • Quiet study spaces including a section that opens 24/7
  • Exhibition space
  • Tech-enabled spaces for immersive explorations and digital scholarship (coming soon in Aug)
  • Recording and editing studio (coming soon in Aug)
  • Cafeteria (coming soon in Aug)

MSL Facilities 2023-Opening


Meanwhile, please note the following changes at the current Medical (MD6) and Science (S6) Libraries in the coming semester.

  • The Medical Library will cease operations on 14 June, 6pm; the 24-hour Reading Area at Level 5 will close on 15 June, 9am
  • Print bound journal collections as well as older and infrequently used main shelf books at both the Medical and Science Libraries were moved to the Central Library closed stacks to make way for more spaces and facilities. Users may submit a request through the library system to borrow the transferred titles
  • A selected collection of newer, essential, and frequently borrowed main shelf titles and RBR from both libraries will be brought over to the MSL
  • MSL Level 1 and 2 will operate throughout the vacation; Level 3 and 4 will remain closed until further notice for touch-up works
  • Bookdrop and lockers will remain at MD6 until further notice


If you have any questions, please contact us.

Open Access (OA) is a publishing model that makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to the traditional subscription model in which scholarly information is accessible by paying a subscription. One of the most important advantages of open access is that it increases the visibility and reuse of academic research results.
Average APC paid by NUS authors between 2016-2018 is SGD3200*
Publishing as Gold OA requires authors to pay Article Processing Charges (APC). We are delighted to announce two initiatives to support NUS researchers in publishing OA.
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Institutionally Paid OA for NUS Authors

NUS Libraries, School of Computing, and the Office of the Deputy President (Research & Technology) have worked together to enter into a 5-year open access agreement with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). For all submissions to ACM made between Jan 1, 2021 and Dec 31, 2025, NUS corresponding authors can publish OA at no cost to the author.

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Library-Supported Free-to-Publish Model

NUS Libraries is now a supporting institution of the Open Library of Humanities (OLH) from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021. The OLH is an academic publishing platform that supports 22 fully OA academic journals from across the humanities disciplines. Unlike many OA publishers, the OLH does not charge any author fees. Instead, an international library consortium covers its operational costs.

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Check out more waivers and discounts from other publishers such as Cambridge University Press and American Chemical Society. 
Contact Scholarly Communication to find out more about open access publishing!

*Based on NUS Libraries’ internal analysis of compiled Web of Science data.