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Fun-size sessions to maximise learning. Short in duration, big on content.

Introduction of New Energy Trends: From Carbon Capture to Hydrogen Economy

22 Feb (Wed), 10am - 11am

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Learn about the immerging green hydrogen technologies, and their roles in the future sustainable transition. The speaker will also share insights on green energy technologies and provide an overview of their CET module on this topic.

Learning Outcome

  • Understand the concept, status, and major technological challenges of green hydrogen technologies

Recommended for

Students/audiences with background of science and engineering at college level; particularly suitable for those with energy related industrial backgrounds.


This workshop is brought to you in collaboration with NUS College of Design and Engineering.


How to Search for Singapore News in Factiva

1 Mar (Wed), 3pm - 3.30pm

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Factiva has full-text of Straits Times articles as far back as the 1980s. Find out how to search and retrieve these news articles!

Wong Kah Wei

Southeast Asian Primary Resources

2 Mar (Thu), 3pm - 3.30pm

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The library has various primary sources in our holdings. Come find out what they are!

Nur Diyana

How to Find Full-Text of The Economist Articles from Proquest

6 Mar (Mon), 3pm - 3.30pm

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Some articles from The Economist are not accessible freely on the Internet. Find out how to search and retrieve The Economist articles from Proquest, an academic database.

Wong Kah Wei

Finding & Using Free Online Images

8 Mar (Wed), 10am - 10.30am

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Wondering where to find images to brighten up your presentations? Look no further. In this session, pick up nifty hacks on how to find openly-licensed images and attribute them.

Lim Siu Chen

Searching for Historical Newspapers

9 Mar (Thu), 3pm - 3.30pm

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Old newspapers provide a window to the lives and times of the past. Find out how to locate these rich sources of information from the library!

Nur Diyana

SIFT Fact from Fiction

16 Mar (Thu), 3pm - 3.30pm

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Find out what are the cognitive biases in processing information and how we can distinguish fact from fiction. Learn how to use the SIFT framework to evaluate information.

Nur Diyana

Text Analyzer & Image Search in JSTOR Database

28 Mar (Tue), 10am - 10.30am

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Explore two novel ways of using JSTOR to find literature and images for your teaching and learning tasks, no programming required. The Text Analyzer suggests relevant articles and books by "reading" what you upload. After which, you can search for reusable images in ARTSTOR database without leaving JSTOR. Join us to get started!

Winnifred Wong
Jamila Osman

Chinese Southeast Asia Collection

30 Mar (Thu), 10am - 10.30am

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Since the Song Dynasty, Chinese have been emigrating to Southeast Asia, forming the largest group of native Chinese overseas over time. Come explore our digitised and print collections of historical documents including journals, family genealogies and pictures of these Chinese in Southeast Asia, with the oldest documents going back to the 1890s!

Amy Lin

Smart Additive Manufacturing

12 Apr (Wed), 3pm - 4pm

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This workshop will cover smart manufacturing (SM) technologies including Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Analytics, Digital Twin. Learn the overview of SM’s fundamental principles, and explore the beauty of SM through practical implementation and use cases in the additive manufacturing practices.

Dr Li Bingbing

Understanding Innovations in IoT

10 May (Wed), 10am - 11am

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Understand the key drivers for improving quality of life via technology through innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT), and how IP management is essential, from early stages of technology and inventions to the later stages of commercialisation. A/Prof Hari will share how his CDE course helps with understanding the business, technological, legal and financial aspects of Intellectual Property of IoT.

Recommended for

Engineers, Technology Managers, Product Developers, students and researchers interested in IoT


A/Prof Hari Krishna Garg


This workshop is brought to you in collaboration with NUS College of Design and Engineering.


Systematic Review Methodology: An Introduction

18 May (Thu), 10am - 10.30am

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Are you looking for a search methodology that will help you retrieve the publications on a particular topic to answer a research question? You might like to consider a systematic search. This workshop will outline the key elements of a systematic search, and point you to resources where you can learn more at your own time.

Lim Siu Chen
Wong Suei Nee

Resources in Evidence-based Medicine

26 May (Fri), 1pm - 1.30pm

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Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a systematic approach in which medical practitioners make use of the best scientific evidence to make informed decisions on healthcare. It involves literature searching skills and methods to critically analyse clinical literature. This workshop introduces the resources necessary for an effective EBM.

Wong Suei Nee

This workshop is brought to you in collaboration with NUS Medical Society.

Using Case Studies for Teaching

8 Jun (Thu), 10am - 11am

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Case studies are great teaching tool to demonstrate how theory is applied in real world situations. Where can you find good quality case studies? Let’s take a quick peek at locating subscribed and free case studies sources.

Kho Su Yian

Find Statistics with CEIC Data

8 Jun (Thu), 11am - 11.30am

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CEIC Data is a library-subscribed database for country and regional level macroeconomic indicators. Explore the variety of macroeconomic statistics available in CEIC Data and pick up some tips on using CEIC Data.

Lyndia Chen

Where to Find Reliable Statistics for Teaching

13 Jun (Tue), 3pm - 3.30pm

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Where can you find reputable data for your curriculum? Let us introduce you to the various reliable sources where you can find statistics for different industries.

Kho Su Yian

Your Passport to Market & Industry Statistics

15 Jun (Thu), 11am - 11.30am

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Passport is a resource offering insight on market, consumer and industry statistics worldwide. Learn about the variety of statistical data available, and how to get the best out of the platform.

Lyndia Chen

Company Data & Analysis for Teaching

15 Jun (Thu), 3pm - 4pm

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Company data and analysis offer critical information to the understanding of a business. Find out what are the recommended resources to locate them.

Kho Su Yian

Locating Business Videos for Teaching

20 Jun (Thu), 10am - 10.30am

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Business videos presented by experts and academics are useful educational tools to augment your teaching of business concepts and skills. In this mini workshop, we’ll show you where to find good quality videos that explain business concepts and theories!

Kho Su Yian

Chinese Theses Search Made Easy

30 Jun (Fri), 3pm - 3.30pm

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Do you know where to find Chinese theses from both NUS and overseas universities? Let us show you how to locate Chinese theses from the NUS Libraries collection and the online database Airiti Library.

Chow Chai Khim

Speed Up Systematic Review with Rayyan

25 Jul (Tue), 10am – 10.30am

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Rayyan is a free web-based tool that dramatically speeds up systematic review. Join us to catch a glimpse of its features and how to use this collaborative tool to accelerate the screening process in a systematic review.

Annelissa Chin
Toh Kim Kee


Dr Wang Lei

Dr Wang Lei

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NUS College of Design & Engineering
Dr Wang Lei is interested and experienced in electrochemical related catalysis and materials discovery for sustainable energy and green organic synthesize technologies. Prior to his NUS appointment, Lei received the Swedish Knut and Alice Wallenberg postdoctoral research fellowship award to work in the group of Professor Thomas Jaramillo at Stanford University upon his PhD graduation in 2015 from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He is also a Chemical Engineering BSc and MSc graduate from Dalian University of Technology. His PhD work at KTH under the supervision of Professor Licheng Sun focused on the design and synthesis of molecular catalysts for water oxidation, which is the kinetic bottleneck in water splitting. He introduced innovative concepts for the rational design of molecular catalysts based on comprehensive kinetic and mechanistic studies. He extended his primary goal to develop electrocatalysts that can selectively reduce CO2 into liquid fuels during his postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford. He hopes to expand his research expertise at NUS beyond CO2 reduction and electrochemical organic synthesis, into oxygen/nitrogen reduction, the electrochemical oxidation of fuels and the partial oxidation of methane to methanol.
Kah Wei

Wong Kah Wei

Associate University Librarian and Head of Learning & Engagement, NUS Libraries
Kah Wei leads a team of librarians in teaching information literacy skills to the NUS community. She is interested in helping students and researchers read and enquire critically by asking questions and asking more questions.

Nur Diyana Binte Abdul Kader

Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS), NUS Libraries
Diyana provides research and information services, particularly on Southeast Asia, apart from developing the Library’s collection and teaching information literacy. Her thoughts and musings can be found in Perempuan: Muslim Women Speak Out (2016), Budi Kritik (2018) and Growing Up Perempuan (2018).
Siu Chen

Lim Siu Chen

Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS), NUS Libraries
Siu Chen’s work interests relate to copyright and digital information literacy and their applications to teaching, learning and research. She has experience providing information literacy instruction as part of the Law Resource and Humanities & Social Sciences Teams and works to increase the embedment of information discovery, evaluation and reference skills in curriculum. She is currently reflecting upon library pedagogy and strategy cultivated by the need to re-imagine the future of libraries post-pandemic. She has an LLB (Hons) from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and an MSc (Library Science) from Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Winnifred Wong

Principal Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS), NUS Libraries
Previously a publisher, Winnifred’s desire to work with books led her to a second career as a Reference/Research Librarian at NUS. At work, she embraces technology as long as they serve to improve things without contributing to the digital divide.

Jamila Osman

Senior Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS), NUS Libraries
Jamila enjoys researching and teaching, supporting the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences disciplines. She loves the whole creative process of discovering and creating something new, finding ways to feature them in an engaging manner.

Amy Lin

Principal Library (Special Collections), NUS Libraries
Amy is a Special collections librarian at NUS Libraries. She is responsible for the procurement of Chinese resources in both print and digital formats. She also assists in uploading the digitised rare resources into the library's online archive, Digital Gems.
Dr Li Bingbing

Dr Li Bingbing

Visiting Associate Professor, NUS Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr Bingbing Li is working with the AM NUS center on the collaborative research in additive manufacturing and smart manufacturing. He is the Associate Professor (sabbatical) of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at California State University Northridge (CSUN) and serves as the Associate Director of NASA Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM (ARCS).

A/Prof Hari Krishna Garg

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NUS College of Design & Engineering
A/Prof Hari obtained his BTech degree in EE from IIT Delhi, India, in 1981. Subsequently, he obtained his MEng & PhD degrees from Concordia University, Canada, in 1983 & 1985, and MBA from Syracuse University, USA, in 1995. He was a faculty member at Syracuse University, USA, from 1985 till 1995. He has been with the National University of Singapore, since 1995 with the exception of 1998-1999 when he was with Philips. Hari’s research interests are in the area of cellular/mobile/wireless communications, digital signal/image processing, coding theory and digital watermarking. He has published extensively on these and related topics. He is also a co-author of many books on topics in digital signal processing. Hari enjoys being an entrepreneur and is a founder of several companies in the space of mobile telephony. The list includes PurpleAce, Fatte, and his latest endeavor Manovega Communications. In his spare time, Hari enjoys singing and listening to Bollywood music and an evil game of Sudoku.
Suei Nee

Wong Suei Nee

Senior Library (Research Librarian – STEM), NUS Libraries
Suei Nee has more than 10 years experience working as a Librarian. Her work interests include Systematic Review searching and teaching users how to search for full-text articles. On a daily basis, she enjoys talking to users, helping with their queries, and making friends with them. She has worked in both the Central Library and Medical Library, and relishes the different learning experience both libraries offer. She is also part of the Scholarly Communications and Systematic Review Team. .

Lyndia Chen

Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS), NUS Libraries
Lyndia conducts workshops and advisories on social science research. She also works with immersive technology as part of the library’s TEL Imaginarium team. When in her element, she is fascinated by geeky tech, neon lights, all things new, and finds humour or cats in the strangest of things.

Kho Su Yian

Principal Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS), NUS Libraries
With over 20 years of experience as a librarian, Su Yian advises students and conducts workshops on Business Research. Her areas of knowledge include reference management software, library user experience, social media and communications. A NUS alumni, Su Yian graduated from FASS with a B.A (Hons) in English Literature, and a Master’s in Library & Information Management.
Chai Kim

Chow Chai Khim

Senior Librarian (Special Collection Librarian), NUS Libraries
Chai Khim has been working in the Library for more than 12 years. She helps students and researchers locate Chinese resources on Chinese Studies and Southeast Asian Chinese Studies. During her free time, Chai Khim enjoys reading and exploring new territories in her travels.
Toh Kim Kee

Toh Kim Kee

Senior Librarian (Research Librarian – STEM), NUS Libraries
Kim Kee has been with NUS Libraries for more than 10 years. At work, she spends most of her time doing user education and providing consultation to the NUS Health Sciences community. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, baking and travelling.
Annelissa Chin

Annelissa Chin

Senior Librarian (Research Librarian – STEM), NUS Libraries
Annelissa Chin is a Senior Librarian at NUS Libraries. Annelissa enjoys working with students and researchers on systematic review consultations and conducts workshops to impart the methodology of systematic literature search.
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