Social Science Discovery: Delving into EBSCOHost

This workshop spotlights on EBSCOHost, an intuitive online research platform which contains a range of databases that provide content on social sciences topics like economics, communications, climate change and business.

Unlock your social sciences research potential with our Social Sciences Discovery workshop series. Designed for researchers, students, and academics, these workshops will equip you with essential skills to efficiently navigate major social science databases.


  • How to navigate to and choose relevant databases within EBSCOHost such as Social Sciences Abstracts, Business Source Ultimate and Academic Search Complete, for specific social science research
  • How to utilize search functions and filters to retrieve relevant search results
  • How to use tools on EBSCOHost to cite, access and download full text documents



Su Yian

Kho Su Yian

Principal Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS)
With over 20 years of experience as a librarian, Su Yian advises students and conducts workshops on Business Research. Her interests include social media, mythology and Chinese tea. A NUS alumni, Su Yian graduated from FASS with a B.A (Hons) in English Literature.

Lyndia Chen

Librarian (Research Librarian – HASS)
Lyndia conducts workshops and advisories on social science research. She also works with immersive technology as part of the library’s TEL Imaginarium team. When in her element, she is fascinated by geeky tech, neon lights, all things new, and finds humour or cats in the strangest of things.

All NUS staff and students are welcome.
Booking availability on a first come, first served basis.
Registered participants will receive a meeting invite to join the workshop online.

For help with Social Sciences
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