ASEAN Corner

ASEAN Corner

The ASEAN Corner is the fruit of a project to establish information centres in the libraries of higher education institutions in the ASEAN member states. The objective is to provide accurate, timely, and relevant information about ASEAN developments and the ASEAN member states.

Funded by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF), the ASEAN Corner was officially launched in March 2022. It provides authoritative information about ASEAN through digital resources comprising books, periodicals, maps, language instructions, infographics and videos covering economic, political, security, and socio-cultural aspects. 

The ASEAN Corner is located at the Peggy Wai Chee Leong-Hochstadt Room on the fifth level of the NUS Central Library.

We invite you to check out the digital archives at the dedicated computer terminal. And browse through a display of our libraries’ collection of print resources related to ASEAN.

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Past Event

Singapore's Place in ASEAN
Click here to view the workshop recording

ASEAN Corner
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