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1. Who can apply for this programme?

Applicants should be a Singaporean or a Singapore Permanent Resident, who is between 18 to 35 as of 31st August 2024 and is a current student in an ITE, Polytechnic or Institute of Higher Learning.​​

2. I am not a NUS student. Can I apply for this programme?

Yes you can! As long as you are a Singaporean or PR, aged between 18 to 35 as of 31st August 2024 and you are currently a student in an ITE, Polytechnic or other Institute of Higher Learning.​​​

3. Are we expected to work in groups or alone?

You will be expected to work in groups of 4 to 6. You can apply as a group but don’t worry if you are applying as an individual. We will be allocating you to groups if we do select you for the programme.​

4. How long is the programme?

(a) There are 2 phases to the programme. The training phase will take around 2.5 months from September to October 2024. Training workshops will be held on Saturdays followed by a hackathon/ideathon to pitch your idea.​

(b) If you are selected to pilot your project, you will have 6 months from January 2025 to June 2025 to finish your project.​

5. Can I apply to the programme as a group?

Yes! You can apply to the programme as a group of between 4 to 6 people as long as they fit the other requirements listed above.​​

6. What kind of benefits do I get if I get selected for the programme?

(a) You will be provided training on basic research skills, project management and digital skills and tools for research, teaching and learning.​

(b) Upon successful completion of the training and ideathon, you will receive a certificate documenting your achievements. You will be part of the Temasek Foundation Youth Alumni Network. You will need to attend at least 75% of the workshops and the ideathon to receive the certificate.

(c) Groups that are selected to pilot their projects will get a prize worth up to $1,200 per group.​

(d) If you get selected to pilot your project, you will also receive a generous stipend upon completion of your project.

7. Can I propose a project outside of the 5 areas being recommended?​

Yes, you may! As long as your proposal meets the overall requirement of the programme of showcasing heritage through digital means and interaction with the community.​

8. What kind of resources will I get as a non-NUS student to develop my proposal and project?​

For non-NUS students who are selected, you will get access to NUS Libraries to conduct your research for your proposal and project.​

9. How do I know if I am selected for the Programme?​

You will receive an email from us if you are selected for the programme.

10. Can joining this programme be considered as fulfilling part of my academic requirements?​​

Please check with the institution you are from if participation in this programme can be considered as fulfilling part of your academic requirements.

11. Do I have to be a student in a specific discipline/major to apply for this programme?​​​

Students from all disciplines and majors are welcome to apply for this programme!​

12. Do I need to have a project proposal in mind before I apply?

While it would be good to have a project in mind prior to applying for the programmes, applicants do not need to have a project in mind when applying. The training provided by us is geared at helping you generate project ideas.

1. When will the workshops and ideathon be held?

(a) The workshops will be held on Saturdays from the month of September to October 2024 from around 10am to 5pm. A more detailed workshop schedule will be released when it is ready.​

(b) The ideathon will be held on the 9th of November 2024. Groups will be given around 3 weeks to develop their proposals before presenting it on the 9th of November 2024. More details will be released at a later date.

2. What will be covered during the training workshop phase?

You will be provided training on basic research skills, project management and digital skills and tools for research, teaching and learning. A more detailed workshop schedule will be released when it is ready.​

3. Why are there compulsory and elective workshops?​

(a) Compulsory workshops are meant to provide all students with the basic skills and knowledge to develop their proposals and project. The elective workshops are meant to provide additional skills and training to students for their proposals and project.​

(b) Students must attend 2 workshops per workshop day, and it usually consists of 1 compulsory workshop and 1 elective workshop.​

4. What do I need to bring for the workshops?

Please bring along your laptop for the workshop and a water bottle if you need water. You may also want to bring writing materials. If there is a need for any software for the workshop, you will be informed prior to it. Lunch will also be catered.​

5. Are your workshops and ideathon held in person?​

Yes, all the workshops and ideathon will be held in person. We will let you know the venue of the workshop and ideathon at a later date.​

6. Will attendance be taken, and do I need to attend all the sessions?

Attendance will be taken at all workshops. We strongly encourage participants to attend all compulsory workshops, as well as the elective workshops that they register for. We will only issue a certificate if students attend at least 75% of all the workshops.​

7. Will there be make-up sessions or recordings of the workshop if I miss any of the workshops?​

As the workshops are mainly hands-on, there will not be any make-up sessions or recordings of workshops. As such, we highly recommend students attend all the workshops that they signed up for.​

8. Will there be any prizes if my group is selected to pilot our project during the ideathon?​

Groups that are selected to pilot their project will be given a stipend upon completion of their project. They will also get an additional prize up to SGD$1,200 if they are selected for the ideathon. More details will be shared during the programme.​

9. Will training materials be provided?​

Soft copies of the training materials will be provided. You can choose to print them if you wish to do so.​​

1. Will all students who get selected for the programme be able to pilot their proposals?​

We will only be selecting 5 projects to pilot for this round of the programme.​​​

2. How long are we expected to work on the pilot project?

For students who have been selected to pilot their project, they will have a maximum of 6 months to complete their project.​

3. Will we get paid if we are selected to pilot our group’s project?

All students selected for the pilot will get a stipend upon completion of their project.​ More details will be shared in due course.

4. Will there be any funding available to pilot my group’s project?

We will be providing seed funding to your group to fund your pilot project. More details will be released when you are selected for the programme.​

5. Will there be anyone to provide guidance while we are working on our group’s project?

Students will be working with a mentor and/or a community partner while developing their project. NUS Libraries will also be providing support as and when the group needs it.​

6. Will we get to showcase our project once it has been completed?​

Yes, we will be organising an event for you to showcase your project once they have been completed. More details will be released at a later date.​

7. Can I showcase my project on my resume/ social media profile?​​

Yes of course! In fact, we encourage you to do so! Be proud of the work you are doing!​​

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