Block 18

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Ms May KOH

Resident Fellow

Ms May KOH is Senior Manager who serves as a student support manager at the Science Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Science. She was a Resident Fellow at Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) for seven years.

May’s career at NUS started in facility management with Housing Services before pivoting to residential life managing housing accommodation, student life, finance, maintenance, and human resource at RVRC. She has a Master’s degree in counselling and is constantly finding novel and interesting ways to promote student wellness in both faculty and residential settings.

In her personal time, May enjoys watching Korean dramas, travelling, and baking. Do walk around her neighborhood and who knows, you may get a treat from her!

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Tan Jie Quan

Resident Assistant 

Hello! I'm Jie Quan, the male RA for Block 18!! I'm a Life Science and Nutrition student and I love to eat and sleep!!

My absolute favourite is mala!! I once ate so much mala that a stall gave me a mala VIP card so that i can eat even more mala HAHA!! So if you ever need a mala buddy you know who to call!!

I look forward to meeting and getting along with everyone in Helix :))

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Tan Xing Ying Amily
Resident Assistant 

Hello! I am Amily, the female RA for Block 18!! I am a Business Administration (BBA) student.

I love chatting with others so feel free to say hi when you see me around Helix! Some of my hobbies are watching Anime, Netflix, reading Manga and playing games.

Excited to meet everyone in the various interest groups (IGs) and events in Helix! ^-^

zheng tat
Wong Zheng Tat

Floor Leader

Hi, I'm Zheng Tat, a Business Analytics student! I am a professional napper, Netflix watcher, mahjong player and academic victim.

I also enjoy cooking, baking and playing ultimate frisbee in my free time. Nice to meet you all! 

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Muhammad Amir Hakim Bin Mohamad Raizal
Floor Leader

Hello everyone, I am Amir! Pursuing Life Sciences! I really enjoy film photography, but right now I have my own vintage digital camera (so that I can fit in with the trend he he ~).

Apart from that I do enjoy travelling and trying new things (if you have any café recommendations please hit me up!). Looking forward to meeting every single one of you!

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Kuah Hui Min

Floor Leader

Hey fellow friends and residents! I’m Hui Min, one of your floor leaders in block 18! I am studying in Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music majoring in MS/MCP. I am really happy to be able to be with all of you so feel free to come to me for anything. I’m spontaneous and I love doing activities and being around friends. Some hobbies of mine are jamming to music and also crocheting which I picked up recently. It is a great pleasure to be able to meet you guys.

Cheyenne Liu

Floor Leader

Hi everyone! :DD I'm Cheyenne, majoring in Data Science. I love cooking and enjoy hanging out, whether it's at the chill spots in Helix like the pantry or lounge, or nearby at West Coast Park, or even somewhere further away. I'm more of a laid-back person, so feel free to reach out if you'd like to join me for some relaxing activities like having a picnic, reading, crocheting, watching movies, cycling, or just enjoying the nightscape and listening to music.

I'm also really interested in different cultures and would love to try learning new languages, currently hoping to learn local dialects. If you see me around Helix feel free to chat with me! I am also a big fan of pandas––my bias is Hehua :33 Looking forward to meeting you all!~~

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Yu Yutian

Floor Leader

Hello everyone! My name is Yutian, studying Medicine! In my free time, you can usually find me curled up reading a book, or crocheting, or in the kitchen whipping up some treats. I love meeting new people and can’t wait to meet my peers in Helix House, so if you see me around come say hello, don’t worry I don’t bite. Fun fact about me is that I lived overseas for 6 years, can you guess where? :D

Seng Wei Quan

Floor Leader

Hey guys! I'm Wei Quan, majoring in Chemical Engineering. You'll probably find me in the pantry more than my room as I love cooking and eating. And if I'm not in the pantry, I'll be in the gym. Gotta work off what I eat you know? If you guys are ever interested in these feel free to join me! I'll be looking forward to see you!