Senior Retention Requirements

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Helix House Senior Retention AY2025/2026


Being an active, engaged and thoughtful citizen

At Helix House, we value connectedness and residents who are authentic, thoughtful, and aspire to do better, not only for themselves but along with others. In line with this, being an active and engaged citizen matters; being a thoughtful and caring neighbour counts as well. The basic requirements for Senior Retention therefore attempt to take this into account.

If you have found your experience here at Helix House meaningful and enjoyable, and would like to stay on, we invite you to read through the requirements and procedures, and make an application.

Requirements Per Semester

  1. Participation in House signature events (minimum one).
  2. Participation in block and floor activities (minimum two).
  3. Participation in minimally one IGs (with at least 50% attendance in each)

Other Requirements

  1. Sharing from two Helix House residents on you as a fellow Helixian.
    (* Each resident may write only two recommendations.)
  2. Self-reflection on experience at Helix House (approximately 100 words).
  3. Considerations will be given to those with leadership roles (Floor Leaders, Interest Group Leads & Committee members, ad-hoc committees).


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can I find the application link?

Application link will be sent to all Helixians via email.

How does the Helix House decide on who to retain?

Helixians who would like to apply for continued stay should have demonstrated an acceptable level of engagement in activities, close interaction with fellow Helixians, and genuine reflection on their living-learning experience. Considerations are therefore not based solely on points but include other qualitative factors.

Do I need to participate in Interest Groups to secure my stay?

While Helix House does not adopt any CCA point system, there should be a good level of participation and engagement in not just Interest Groups but also House signature events, block and floor activities. Essentially, we are interested in individuals who are keen to be an active part of the House.

Can you provide examples of the types of events or activities that count towards meeting the requirements?
Examples of signature events are Cultural and Heritage tours, Mural painting, overseas STEER trip, community engagement, and mass baking. There are a variety of block and floor events and activities that residents could participate in.
When I approach fellow Helixians to write me recommendations, what should I ask them to write?
The intent of this exercise is to for your friends to share their interaction and engagement with you. Fellow Helixians you approach may share one or two attributes that they appreciate about you, and give specific examples (where relevant). It is a short sharing of up to 100 words.
What should I write in my self-reflection?
You may want to provide specific examples or experiences that have made your time at Helix House meaningful and enjoyable. Highlight your involvement, impact on the community, and share what you have learned about yourself and others through your experience at Helix House. It is a short reflection of up to 100 words.
Do I need to have leadership roles to be considered?
While those with leadership roles will be considered favourably, you need not have any leadership roles to be considered (as seen in the five requirements).
If I do not meet any of the five requirements, does it mean I do not have a chance to continue my stay at Helix House?
You could still make an application if you do not meet any of the five requirements. However, others who have fulfilled the five requirements are likely to be considered first.
Am I assured Senior Retention if i meet the minimum activity requirements?
This depends on the number of eligible applicants and available vacancies. If demand exceeds supply, factors such as residents' reflections, testimonials, and contributions to the House will play a significant role in the selection process.
Who should I approach if I have questions or clarification?
If you have further queries or clarification, please email our residential life team at