Research Skills Framework

clover leaf with seven points

The Research Skills Framework (RSF) is designed with the aim to offer a holistic palette of relevant knowledge and skills to guide and enhance your research capabilities.


Mapped across the research journey, it comprises skills-based learning under 7 domains. Its user-centric design adopts a learner-centred approach, allowing you to select programmes to suit your own research and learning needs.


Researcher Unbound was developed as part of our library’s evolving role in supporting University research. This book chapter details the creation and design of the Research Skills Framework.


Scope & frame an idea for your research

  • Articulate, define, frame ideas to demonstrate the novelty of your research or to identify gaps in research
  • Apply various methods, techniques, tools and filters to critique existing research or discover emerging trends


Conduct effective literature search to support your research

  • Plan, construct and adopt various search strategies according to the sources, scope and information needed
  • Match information needs and search strategies to the appropriate search tools and databases

Use & Cite

Evaluate & use information responsibly

  • View information from multiple perspectives and communicate information responsibly
  • Apply the appropriate reference management tool or citation style to cite accurately

Organise & Analyse

Collect, store, organise, manage & analyse information effectively

  • Apply latest tools for research collaboration and keeping current in your field of research
  • Apply digital research methods and tools to visualise and analyse data


Publish & communicate your research effectively

  • Communicate your research output in the most appropriate method to meet the intended purpose
  • Select appropriate publications, dissemination outlets and platforms from which to communicate and disseminate your research and information

Create & Impact

Protect & commercialise your research output

  • Articulate the commercial value of your scientific discoveries and its contribution to the society
  • Determine the applicability and marketability of your research output through the use of various resources

Measure & Enhance

Measure the impact & enhance the visibility of your research

  • Use appropriate tools & techniques to measure your research impact
  • Use the institutional repository to enhance the visibility and discoverability of your research

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