Jumpstart Minis

Jumpstart MinisJumpstart Minis

Jumpstart Minis is a series of workshops that help you partake in immersive technology such as AR, VR and 360° technology, and is the first program in NUS Libraries to award digital badges to support customised learning pathways while picking up new skills online. You can learn these skills and use them in your projects, assignments, research or for fun!

To date, we have had more than 500 attendees coming from a wide spectrum of faculties and departments. Many of them were awarded digital badges for completing the workshop and passing the submission of assignments!

Click here to view a list of workshops happening in the semester. See more of you around!

Curriculum-embedded immersive tech workshops

Ad-hoc immersive tech workshops can be incorporated into your lesson plan* to address specific learning outcomes. Connect with us through  the button below to start a discussion on workshops for your modules.

*Only applicable to NUS courses

Space for classes & workshops

If you plan to conduct small classes/workshops that involve devices in TEL Imaginarium, our space is also available* for your instructional use! Simply schedule a face-to-face consultation by clicking the button below to share your plans with us.

*Ideal for maximum of 20 people

*Only applicable to classes/workshops organised for current NUS staff and students

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