Academic Related Matters

Students who do not possess the necessary English Language qualifications will have to sit for the Qualifying English Test (QET) set by the Centre for English Language Communication (CELC). Please click on the links below for the following information:

You are advised to sit for the QET in your first year of study and to complete the English courses (if needed) early so that there will be no delay in your graduation.

Unless exemption has been granted, all international graduate students are required to sit for the Diagnostic English Test (DET). The purpose of the DET is to determine which students are required to read additional Graduate English courses. Please click on the links below for the following information:

You should sit for the DET before starting your programme as any late attempt at the DET may result in a delay to your graduation.

Undergraduate students who wish to read either Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Spanish, Tamil, Thai or Vietnamese offered by the Centre for Language Studies and have previous knowledge of the language are required to sit for the placement test to be placed in an advanced level. Please refer to the following website for more information on the placement tests:

Course Registration at Education Records System (CourseReg@EduRec) is the University’s consolidated course registration platform for all NUS students belonging to the following categories:

  • Undergraduate* (UG)
  • Graduate (GD)
  • Non-graduating (NG)
  • Continuing & Professional Education (CPE)

*Except students from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (MBBS) and Faculty of Dentistry.

CourseReg@EduRec employs a rules-driven, priority-based engine to allocate courses based on each student’s:

  • Curricular needs;
  • Seniority in the programme; and
  • Course preferences

For more information on CourseReg@EduRec, please click here.