1. Is Special Term relevant to Returning NSmen?
Returning Full-Time National Servicemen (NSmen) who have places reserved for them in NUS and will be registering as undergraduate students in the upcoming Semester 1 can join the Non-Graduating Programme in the Special Term. Information specific to Returning NSmen can be found here. For questions related to Returning NSmen, click here.
2. Will all students who attend Special Term classes be able to graduate one semester earlier?
A student will be able to graduate one semester earlier should he take as many courses during the Special Term as he would in a regular semester (or offset any shortfall by taking more courses in other semesters). Students must however be cognisant that overstretching themselves over a short period of time during the Special Term, right after National Service, may not suit everyone. They should seek academic advice from their respective faculties before they decide to take on as many courses as they would in a regular semester for the Special Term.
Students who are enrolled in degree programmes that are not on a modular curriculum structure (i.e. NUS Medicine, Dentistry and Law) will not be able to graduate earlier.
3. When is the Special Term?
There are two parts of the Special Term each of which lasts six weeks. Part I is to be held in May/June and Part II in June/July. The exact dates are available here.
4. Is the Special Term open to students currently studying in the university?
Yes. The Special Term is open to students currently studying in the university. Non-graduating students can also register for the Special Term via the NUS Online Application Portal.
5. Can a student who has fulfilled his graduation requirements read a Special Term course to increase GPA or for interest?
Yes, he/she can. However, he/she must read a course of level 3000 or higher. Courses read in Special Term will be counted towards the computation of GPA.
Registration of Courses
6. How does a student register for the courses?
Students can register for the courses that they wish to read through CourseReg@EduRec (Navigation: EduRec > Academics > Course Registration). They are required to register for both the lecture and tutorial classes of the courses.
7. What courses will be offered during the Special Term?
The list of courses available in each Special Terms can be found on the Special Term website.
Students, however, are to check the pre-requisites for the courses they will like to take before registering for the courses. They can refer to the online NUS Bulletin for information on the courses.
8. Is there a limit to the number of Special Term courses that a student can register?
Generally, students are well advised to take not more than two courses per part of the Special Term.
9. Can a student choose to register for courses for only one part instead of both parts of the Special Term (i.e. either Part I or Part II)?
Yes, but students should make this decision with the understanding that they may not be able to graduate a semester earlier if they have not completed the requisite academic requirements.
10. I am currently a NS man and have been called up for In-Camp Training (ICT) during the Special Term period. Am I allowed to apply for deferment for the ICT?
All male Singaporean students with NS liabilities and have been called up for In-Camp Training (ICT) in a period coinciding/overlapping with the Special Term will not be granted deferment. They will have to fulfill their NS liabilities.
Male students who are SAF regulars should seek approval from their individual units on their deferment.
11. Will students who attend the Special Term classes have to pay fees?
Yes. Students who attend the Special Term classes have to pay fees which are charged on a per-course basis.
12. If the student is able to complete his/her programme a semester earlier, will he/she have to pay fees for the semester of study that he no longer needs?
No. He/she will have to pay fees only for his/her period of study.