Administrative Matters

You are required to submit a photograph for official records and printing of your NUS Student Card. The NUS Student Card identifies you as an NUS student and can be used to access general facilities on NUS premises.

Please submit a photograph that meets the requirements.

  • 340 pixels in width by 453 pixels in height;
  • Coloured photograph taken within the last three months against a plain white background;
  • Taken full frontal view of face with upper shoulders visible (and up to the shoulders only). Religious headgear or fringe must not cover the facial features;
  • Taken with even lighting and without shadows on the face or background.

Undergraduate Students

For undergraduate students enrolling into full-time programmes, you will need to:
  1. Submit your photograph within two working days upon acceptance of NUS' offer of admission via the Online Photo Submission System
  2. Access the system again one week after submission to check whether the photograph has been approved for use. Re-submission of a new photograph that meets the requirements is required if you are notified via email that your photograph did not meet the requirements.

Note: For students enrolling in the Bachelor of Technology (BTech) and Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) programmes, please refer to the instructions provided to you by the administrators.

Graduate Coursework and Research Students

For graduate students, you will need to:
  1. Submit your photograph when you complete the “Reply on Offer of Admission” via the Graduate Admission (GDA) System
  2. You may refer to the instructions given in the admission offer letter, which is also available in the GDA Applicant Guide. Re-submission of a new photograph that meets the requirements is required if the previous submission is not accepted.

Non-Graduating Students

For non-graduating students, you will need to:
  1. Submit your photograph when you accept the offer via the Online Application Portal
  2. Re-submit your photograph via the portal if you are notified via email that your photograph has not been approved.

Registration (Part One)

In Registration (Part One), you will need to:
  • update your personal particulars
  • agree to abide by the policies which form the Acceptance Record 
  • and complete the specified Authorisation Requirements 

    If you are under 18 years of age at the time of completion of Registration (Part One), you will also need to download the following form(s) from the "Authorisation Requirements" section, have your parents/guardians sign on the form(s) and upload the form(s) to the Education Records System (EduRec) later but within 3 days of completing Registration (Part One):
    • Risk Acknowledgement and Consent (for all Students)
    • Authorisation of Medical Procedures (for International Students only)
    • Appointment of Local Representative (for International Students only)

    Registration (Part Two)

    In Registration (Part Two), activation of your NUS Student Card is required. Once activated, your student status will be ‘Active’ in NUS records.

    Undergraduate Students
    For undergraduate students enrolling in full-time programmes, you will receive your NUS Student Card, which will be activated by the Office of the University Registrar. 

    The NUS Student Card will be delivered by post to your residence if you meet all of the following requirements:

    • Is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
    • Have a valid Singapore mailing address declared at the point of admissions application
    • Have completed Registration (Part One)
    • Have uploaded the Authorisation Requirements form(s), signed by your parent/guardian, if you are below 18 years of age at the point of completion of Registration (Part One)

    If you do not meet the above requirements, you will be informed by email on the collection of your Student Card.

    Note: For students enrolling in the Bachelor of Technology (BTech), Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT), Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Science (Nursing Practice) programmes, please refer to the instructions provided to you by your administrators.

    Graduate Coursework and Graduate Research Students
    Please refer to the instructions provided by your respective programme administrators.

    Non-Graduating Students
    You will be notified by email regarding the collection of your Student Card. Please refer to the instructions provided by your administrators to activate your NUS Student Card via the Education Records System (EduRec)

  • New students (excluding continuing professional education students) who have completed Registration (Part One) but wish to withdraw from the University during registration period are required to submit their Application for Withdrawal via the online Withdrawal System in Education Records System (EduRec). Before submitting the withdrawal application, students are advised to read the Withdrawal System User Guide published on the NUS Student Portal.

    Students should note that the any application for withdrawal made after NUS Instructional Week 2 will incur the semester fees.

    For incoming full-time undergraduate students who do not wish to continue their studies with the University during the Registration period and have not completed Registration (Part One), please fill out the form here.

    Note: For continuing professional education students, undergraduate students enrolling in the Bachelor of Technology (BTech), Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT), Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Science (Nursing Practice) programmes, please refer to the instructions provided to you by your administrators.

    As an admission condition, all incoming students (excluding non-graduating students and continuing & professional education students) are required to undergo a medical examination. The University reserves the right to refuse admission should you decide to decline this process.

    You may complete the medical examination 
    (i) at the University Health Centre (UHC);
    (ii) with a private registered health physician either in Singapore; or
    (iii) in your home country.

    If you have chosen to undergo the medical examination with a private physician, please submit the completed Medical Examination Form and chest X-ray report in PDF, and email to before the stipulated deadline. All reports must be completed in English.

    Please check the UHC website for more information.

    CAUTION: If you do not complete the Medical Examination by the deadline stipulated by UHC, a Negative Service Indicator (NSI) will be checked against you. As a consequence, you may be locked out of access to certain key student services, including examination results, transcripts, etc.


    1. Full-Time International Students Must hold a valid Student's Pass (STP) issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore for their studies at NUS.
    2. Part-Time International Students Not eligible to apply for Student's Pass and should hold a valid Long-Term Pass such as Work Pass to stay in Singapore.
    3. Holders of valid Long-Term Visit Pass, Dependant's Pass (DP) and Immigration Exemption Order (IEO) Not required to obtain a Student’s Pass or Letter of Consent to pursue full-time, non-religious related studies in Singapore.

    If the existing pass expires or is cancelled during the duration of your studies, you will need to apply for a Student's Pass to continue your studies at NUS.
    For more information, please refer to ICA’s website:


    1. Registration for a Student's Pass

    Before submitting your application, NUS will register you through ICA’s Student's Pass Online Application and Registration (SOLAR) system with the following information:
    • Your name, date of birth, gender and nationality (as appearing in your travel document)
    • Course details, course commencement and course end dates
    • SOLAR application reference number

    2. Submission of eForm 16

    Once NUS has successfully registered your information, you may login to SOLAR to submit eForm 16. You must have the following information ready before logging into SOLAR:
    • A registration acknowledgement notice with the login information provided by NUS.
    • A Singapore address and contact details, if you have at time of application. Otherwise, you may leave it blank.
    • Your email address.
    • NRIC/FIN if your parents are Singaporean Citizens, Permanent Residents or foreigners working or residing in Singapore.  Otherwise, select “None of the above” to proceed.
    • One recent passport-sized colour digital photograph that meets the requirements outlined on ICA’s website.
    • A scanned copy of your travel document/passport biodata page

    Upon submission of eForm 16, a non-refundable processing fee is payable. Failing which, the application will not be processed.

    3. Entering Singapore

    IPA Letter
    If your application is successful, ICA will issue you an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter. Click on the “Print Outcome Letter” button in ICA’s SOLAR system to generate the In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter.  Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl + P” or “⌘ + P” to print the letter.

    For international students from visa-required countries to Singapore, please present this printed copy of your IPA letter together with a valid passport to the Duty Officer at the Immigration Checkpoint upon arrival in Singapore, as it will serve as a single-entry visa.

    The IPA letter is NOT the Student’s Pass. You are required to attend an additional in-person session after your arrival in Singapore to complete your formalities with ICA in order to have the Student’s Pass issued.

    SG Arrival Card
    All travellers to Singapore are required to complete the SG Arrival Card prior to arrival which involves declaration of your health status and recent travel history, as well as personal particulars and contact details. This is to be completed via the SG Arrival Card (SGAC) e-Service within three (3) days (including the day of arrival) before arriving in Singapore. 

    For more information regarding Singapore's entry requirements, please refer to ICA's website here.

    Short-term Visit Pass (e-Pass)
    After clearing immigration in Singapore, an electronic Short-term Visit Pass (e-Pass) will be issued to all foreign visitors through email in replacement of inked endorsement stamps on the passport.

    The e-Pass will contain your Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) number, the maximum number of day(s) of stay and the last day of stay allowed in Singapore. 

    For more information, please refer to the ICA’s website:

    4. Completion of Formalities and Issuance of Digital Student’s Pass

    This is to take place after your arrival in Singapore.

    You will need to navigate to ICA’s SOLAR System > View Application Status to view the status of your STP application.

    Complete the following steps:
    1. Step 1: Upload completed documents including ICA’s Medical Examination Report and Terms & Conditions Form
    2. Step 2: After ICA approves the uploaded documents, make payment for the issuance fee and multiple-journey fee (if applicable)
    3. Once Step 1 and 2 are completed, you will need to make an e-appointment to complete your Student’s Pass formalities (i.e. Step 3) at ICA Building. For Semester 1 and 2 main intakes, completion of formalities will be done on campus during ICA’s Offsite Enrolment (OSE) sessions organized by the University. You will be notified of this in your IPA letter. An email notification from the University with details about appointment booking will also be sent to your NUS Email.

    Please refer to the respective Registration Guides (or information leaflet sent by the respective NUS admission departments) on the dates and details of ICA's Offsite Enrolment at NUS.

    You will receive your digital Student’s Pass within 7 working days after completing the formalities. For more information on issuance of digital Student’s Pass, please refer to ICA’s website:


    You will need to complete the Student's Pass formalities before your IPA letter* or the validity of the e-Pass expires, whichever is earlier. If you are in Singapore and your scheduled appointment date is beyond the validity of e-Pass, please apply for aShort-Term Visit Pass (STVP) extension via ICA e-service.

    When filing for an extension of the STVP, please fill up the Reason for extension section with the following:
    • NUS student awaiting completion of Student’s Pass formalities
    • Provide your SOLAR Application number and Foreigner Identification Number (FIN)
    Students are required to obtain a valid Student's Pass by the stipulated deadline. Failure to do so will result in a warning, followed by dismissal from NUS if the warning is not heeded within 7 days. The Student's Pass application will also be cancelled.

    Overstaying without a valid immigration pass is a punishable offence under the Immigration Act. Failure to comply may result in a composition fine or prosecution in Court. Students must ensure that they hold a valid pass at all times in Singapore to avoid being charged for overstaying.

    For full-time international students, please note that you will be deemed to be residing illegally in Singapore if you do not have a valid Student’s Pass.

    * If your IPA is expiring or has expired before you can complete the formalities, submit re-application for your Student’s Pass:
    1. Undergraduate Students: Submit your request here
    2. Graduate Research Students: Complete this form and email to
    3. Graduate Coursework Students: Complete this form and email to your respective Faculty/School Dean’s Office for assistance

    Note: You may write to ICA at to request for refund of processing and issuance fees, subject to review on a case-by-case basis.

    As part of NUS’ commitment to nurturing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for teaching and learning, NUS conducts a Respect and Consent (R&C) course for students and it is made up of three parts (online videos, a workshop, and a Declaration of Conformance).

    • All new undergraduate and graduate and non-graduating students are required to complete all three parts of the course by the stipulated deadline.
    • Continuing professional education students are required to watch the online videos and sign the Declaration of Conformance within the stipulated deadline. You are not required to attend the workshop unless you are residing in RCs/Halls/SRs/Houses.
    • Please refer to the Office of Student Conduct website here for more information.

    As part of NUS' commitment to nurturing an environment conducive for the exchange of ideas, advancement of knowledge, and intellectual development, there are fundamental skills and basic information for students to learn and be aware of as they embark on their journey with NUS.

    The e-course on Student Essentials will allow students to appreciate the importance of maintaining academic integrity and research ethics in their areas of study and research.

    All new students enrolled into NUS are required to complete this e-course within the stipulated deadline.

    Please refer to the Office of Student Conduct website here for more information.

    Declaration of Transfer Option (for current NUS Undergraduate Students transferring programme)

    Note: This is only applicable to current NUS undergraduate students who have been studying for a semester or more, and are successful in their transfer application. For transfer applications, please apply via the Office of Admissions (OAM) website here. You are also advised to read the information published on the NUS Student Portal

    After accepting the transfer offer through OAM, some of the successful transfer applicants are required to declare whether they wish to start the new programme on a clean slate or with a full credit transfer via myEduRec. The details of the transfer options are as follows: 

    Starting on a Clean Slate

    • There will be no waiver, credit transfer or exemption of courses.
    • Students must re-take all their completed courses (including GE courses).
    • The option to transfer clean slate is also subjected to the final approval of the receiving College/Faculty/School.

    Starting with a Full Credit Transfer

    • All courses previously taken (i.e. including units, grades and GPA) will be transferred to the new programme.
    • The relevant College/Faculty/School shall then decide which courses may be used to satisfy the relevant graduation requirements.
    • Students who opted for full credit transfer into Law are allowed to transfer to up to 40 units counting towards their Law degree.

    The following groups of students must transfer on full credit transfer basis and are not required to make any transfer declarations in EduRec:
    • Students of the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), including Computer Engineering, transferring to another programme within CDE
    • Students transferring into the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), including Computer Engineering
    • Students from the School of Business transferring from Business Administration to Accountancy (and vice-versa)

    The following groups of students must transfer on clean slate basis and are not required to make any transfer declarations in EduRec:
    • Students transferring to Dentistry and Medicine

    If you do not exercise the option by the stipulated deadline, it will be deemed that you have withdrawn the application for a transfer of programme and will remain in the original programme.

    For NUS College students only

    NUS College students (from Cohort AY2021 and before) can apply to change their undergraduate programme up to the end of their second year via the Office of Admissions. The application will be subject to the review and approval of the Admissions Selection Committee in NUS, and the relevant faculties or schools involved.

    NUS College students (from Cohort AY2022 onwards) can apply to change their undergraduate programme up to the end of their second year through the NUS College Academic office. Please consult and approach the NUSC Academic office for an academic counselling session. The transfer timeline follows the NUS timeline.