What DYOC is about, and the two available options
The idea of Design-Your-Own-Course (DYOC) was mooted in NUS to encourage our students to explore learning beyond their disciplines, via edX Massive Open Online Courses (better known as MOOCs), or by engaging the subject matter experts in NUS. DYOC provides an option for students to pursue interests outside their disciplines, broadening their knowledge, and encouraging them to see “learning” as a lifetime endeavour.
The DYOC scheme gives a student* opportunities to pursue self-directed learning, with up to 8 units allowed within the UE space during his or her Undergraduate candidature and will be graded on a ‘CS/CU’ (Completed Satisfactorily/Completed Unsatisfactorily) basis. The DYOC scheme is not applicable to students in the following student careers: Continuing Professional Education (CPE), Graduating (GD) & Non-graduating (NG) careers.
The maximum number of units that students can gain from DYOC scheme throughout candidature is subject to the condition that the sum of units for DYOC and IaaS (Internship-as-a-Service) courses is less than or equal to 8 units.
The options available:
- DYOC via MOOCs – Fully online learning where students can access edX courses via NUS Canvas or AI For Industry (AI4I)® via AI Singapore’s “AI Student Outreach Programme”
- DYOC via group work with supervision – a group of 10 or more students coming together to learn from a thesis advisor.
*Exclusion: Medicine, Dentistry, LAW, Yale-NUS, SCALE
How to embark on the DYOC journey
Regarding edX MOOCs:
From AY2024/25, students will no longer be able to seek reimbursement for completed edX online courses, but will still be able to apply for credit transfer and gain course units through such courses, through a DYOC application. From AY2025/26, students will no longer be able to seek reimbursement for and gain course units through enrolling in and completing edX courses under DYOC. The FAQs for these changes are provided here, while the general FAQs for the DYOC scheme can be found here (Answers by Service >> Student Matters >> DYOC).
Regarding AISG’s AI4I MOOC:
From AY2025/26, students will no longer be able to gain course units through enrolling in and completing AI For Industry (AI4I) courses under DYOC. Learners will have to subscribe to Datacamp at their own cost from 1st September 2024 or whenever AISG’s complimentary coupons run out, whichever comes earlier. The FAQs for this change are provided here.
Objective: To empower students in their learning journey, giving them more flexibility in planning their studies without disruption to their structured disciplinary studies, since MOOCs are mostly self-paced and fully online.
Important information:
- For a completed edX MOOC (i.e., having a Verified Certificate to earn units) to be captured in the student record, students will have to use Canvas to access the MOOC via single-sign-on, and to enroll in edX MOOC.
- Students also have the option to pursue, AI For Industry (AI4I)®, an online course by AISG, via AISG’s “AI Student Outreach Programme” with effect from 21 November 2022. AISG, better known as AI Singapore, is a national AI programme supported by the National Research Foundation and hosted by the National University of Singapore. Students who have completed AI For Industry (AI4I)® are precluded from doing CS2109S Introduction to AI and Machine Learning, CS3244 Machine Learning, or IT3011 Introduction to Machine Learning and Applications. For course and registration details on AI For Industry (AI4I)®, please go to Canvas > DYOC > AI SG courses.
- A student who wants to count units upon completion of a credit-bearing MOOC, will have to make payment upfront to edX (or AISG for AI for Industry (AI4I)® course). Upon successful completion, the student may then produce his or her obtained Verified Certificate to request for reimbursement of course fees paid to edX (or AI For Industry (AI4I)®).
- This will be capped at USD600 per student, and up to 8 units worth of Unrestricted Elective space. Only a maximum of 8 units, made up of DYOC and IAAS courses, will be considered for graduation.
- Please note reimbursement is only for credit-bearing edX MOOCs completed under the DYOC scheme (i.e., reimbursement does not apply when there is no transfer of credits). Reimbursement application for AI For Industry (AI4I)® (for enrolment via AISG’s AI Student Outreach Programme from 21 November 2022 onwards) should be submitted directly to AISG while the application of credit transfer for AI4I® is done through EduRec. Students who have enrolled in AI4I via LumiNUS will continue to apply for reimbursement via EduRec.
- Please note that full semestral tuition fees are payable in the final graduating semester, (i) even if DYOC edX MOOCs are the only remaining courses left in the graduating semester, or (ii) in the event that the credit transfers for MOOCs enrolled, taken and completed in the preceding vacation/term break or special term before the final semester are delayed and cannot be processed in time due to late submission of DYOC application by student.
To count the DYOC credits to current semester, submit your DYOC application from the start of the semester and latest by the last day of the examination period. (E.g., To count the DYOC credits towards Semester 1, submit the DYOC application latest by the last day of Semester 1's examination period). The NUS Academic Calendar can be found here.
Important timelines for Option A - DYOC via MOOCs:
Link to User Guides:
- How to use Canvas to search and register for credit-bearing MOOCs: https://wikinus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/YQC9AQ
- If you encounter any issues with edX in Canvas, please go to Canvas Student Help Desk and log in using your NUSNET ID and password.
- Please click here for the DYOC (MOOC) Video and User Guides.
- Please submit your DYOC (edX) or AI For Industry (AI4I)® application (after completion of edX MOOC with a Verified Certificate) via EduRec (Navigation: EduRec > My Homepage > Academics > Design Your Own Course).
- Under this Option A, a student is required to meet the minimum semestral workload requirement regardless whether the student may be doing DYOC via MOOCs.
- Please refer to information below on the equivalent unit(s) that can be obtained based on the MOOC’s workload hours. Do check the MOOC’s workload hours against the table before registering for an edX MOOC via Canvas (for DYOC Option A).
Illustrative only:
Group formation and submission of an application:
- Students can form their groups through many ways and means (e.g., own social network through residential living and learning);
- Some students may wish to find like-minded folks (by a specific topic), can consider using Yammer – an online platform for students to connect, discuss, explore together. Click here to join Design-Your-Own-Course network.
- Once a group is formed (including the group thesis advisor), please appoint a student representative to log into myEduRec to submit an application [Navigation: Student Academics > Design Your Own Course]. A copy of the User Guide can be found here.
- Upon approval of application, the relevant DYOC would be pre-allocated.
Timelines (to register for DYOC group in Semester 2, AY2024/2025):
*Note: Pre-allocation of DYOC module course codes could take place after Round 3 on the published schedule for Course Registration for Semester Two of AY2024/2025.
Link to User Guides:
- Option B: DYOC via group work with supervision:
User guide on Yammer (i.e., if you need help on group formation/ a platform for discussion):
Option B: https://wiki.nus.edu.sg/x/XQTqGg
Click here to join Design-Your-Own-Course network.
Click here to find out more about DYOC Learning Community.
Please click here for the DYOC (Group) Video and User Guide.
Questions about DYOC Scheme?
Please refer to this
link for the Frequently Asked Questions on the DYOC Scheme.