- GPA for Continuation and Graduation
Examples of students with poor academic standing:
Such a student may appeal against the dismissal if there are extenuating circumstances. The appeal must be submitted to the relevant Faculty/Department within two calendar weeks of the last day of the release of each semester's examination results. Generally, a student is allowed to appeal only once per candidature. If the appeal is rejected, the student will not be readmitted, however, if it is approved, the student will be given one semester to achieve the minimum GPA required for continuation and graduation.
Appeals that are submitted after the two calendar week period, due to extenuating reasons, will be considered on a case-by-case basis and is not guaranteed. In such cases an administrative fee of S$250 will be charged for each successful appeal for readmission.
In addition to poor GPA, a research student may also be issued a warning, placed on probation or issued a letter of termination for poor performance in the PhD qualifying examination (PhD students), research progress, research thesis, or other programme requirements.
- Research Progress Reports
Students in research-based graduate programmes are required to submit a research progress report bi-annually.
- Graduate Programmes Residency Requirement
The University has established a minimum residency requirement and maximum candidature for all NUS degrees, including joint and double degrees with foreign universities. Faculties can set their own stricter requirements. Residency, implies the following:
- Payment of fees;
- Satisfaction of all curricular requirements of the programme of study; and
- Satisfaction of other department requirements such as teaching assistance.
Students in research-based graduate programmes must meet the minimum residency requirements as follows:
(i) Refers to all local NUS campuses, as well as NUS entities overseas (e.g., NUS Research Institute (Suzhou)).
(ii) Includes research carried out in the establishments of approved NUS industry partners.
The periods of study leave and overseas fieldwork do not count toward residency. In addition, students must be resident in Singapore during the semester in which they submit their thesis for examination, as well as throughout the tenure of the NUS research scholarship, if awarded, unless approval is granted otherwise.
- Graduate Programmes Maximum Candidature
The maximum candidature for the various types of graduate programmes are:
* The maximum candidature for research programmes is the same for full-time and part-time programmes
Students are required to submit their thesis (approved by thesis advisor(s)) for examination by the maximum period of their candidature; failing which, their candidature will lapse automatically.